Tomato or POTATO

Eating a bland piece of meat?

if it’s bland, you did something wrong.

The very least you could do is use a steak sauce instead of ketchup

Salt n pepper alone can not salvage steak.

That sauce is gross… Makes it too salty even if I spread it out on it.
Putting it in a toasted sandwich with melty cheese makes it taste good

/moo :cow:


I’d give up the potat. I’d miss them, but I’m not giving up my red sauce. I make a mean one.

Potato has more versatility as a food item. If needed, you could subsist off of potatoes alone (or with small additions) for quite a long time. Also, you can make liquor with it.
You can even make desserts or breads with it.

Tomatoes don’t even come remotely close. Its main purpose is condiments.

Homemade tomato soup and potato bread :yum:.

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Lets make a combination of a red potato that taste like both.

Call it a Topatoe. :3

There are lots of other yummy sauces for meatloaf, my friend. :upside_down_face:

Idk. Have you ever stuffed a tomato with mozzarella or maybe some beef and baked it like a stuffed bell pepper?

I can live off potatoes more than tomatoes, but giving up ketchup would suck.

I’m not sure I could give up Pizza or Pasta with red sauce, or every other dish I like with red sauce like Lasagna. Might be able to give up Salsa, though it would be tough.

I could definitely give up potato chips for corn chips, and I don’t eat a lot of mashed or roasted or smashed potatoes anymore.

So it’s all that Tomato stuff vs French Fries. Prob give up fries.

I’d hate giving up taters, but I love spaghetti more and without tomatoes… This is a tough choice.

I haven’t.
But also, I dislike an excess of tomato. So there’s that. Eating it every single day would be awful for me. Once a week, tops.

… Unless it’s in salsa for burritos.

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As a Brit I think I’m made of at least 60 - 70% potato.

Everyone knows the song lyrics “some say potato others say patato.”

My grandmother has such bad English that she used to say, “some say potato others say tomato.” She never could understand that these were two different things.

This topic just made me miss her is all.

Here in Hawaiʻi we have an indigenous vareity of Solanaceae called “Black Nightshade” (Or Pōpolo here in hawaiʻi) Only the unripe berries are dangerous to eat. i have eaten the ripe black berries many times.

Bac to the topic of tomatoes and potatoes… Maybe id give up potatoes. I see too many things I like to eat that use tomatoes as an ingredient. Sauces, salsa, etc.
and i could always eat less chips…

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Easy tomato go bye bye

I’m not supposed to eat them anyway according to my dermatologist

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

I am genetically predisposed to love potatoes, so my choice is clear.

Will miss that lovely sauce on my pasta though.