Tolerating Multiboxing is a dangerous precedent to set

Pathfinder was in Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth and now Shadowlands. Nothing has changed. Flight will be available in patch 9.2, guarantee it.

I will keep bumping it. I’m not worried about multiboxing being removed. Even if it was, I don’t care, I love the game, I’d still play it. I play all the time with only one account. i don’t multibox my entire play session.

Go ahead.

Until they look at this thread, see there’s 10 people against it and just Kaurmine constantly posting :rofl:

Blizz: Oh, Kaurmine is in his natural habitat again, let’s just go ahead and mute thread

I did a post/reply to a similar topic a few days ago. Summarizing: BlizzardActivision or ActivisionBlizzard is a for profit company, not a company that was 'formally" Blizzard anymore. The $dollars drive the company. A person with disposable income owns say 7 accounts, makes a Mbox team of druids runs around Najatar or any where else farming all the herbs, ore nodes why would a company stop them? They won’t. Been happening since WoW debuted 15+ years ago. $$$ drives the machine.

Ignore your customers at your own risk. More people are anti multiboxing than for it.


I agree completely with you. They wont do anything unfortunately, Thanks for the reply.

Ah another day and more sweet tears and salt from those that want to price gouge on the AH.

I do have to admire the dedication on both sides of this debate.


Pathfinder is a separate issue, unrelated.

Honestly I’m fine with pathfinder lol.

But pathfinder does not damage the economy and player immersion. Stop relating the two.

You must be new here as it has been going on since launch.

Let me know how you made up these numbers.

multiboxing has been a thing since at least WOTLK. Probably older. Multiboxing in of itself isn’t a problem and never has been. Multiboxers in BG are no better or worse to play against than an actual organized team.

No rules are inherently being broken by multiboxers; if they’re otherwise breaking rules to make their multiboxing more effective somehow than THAT is an issue. But don’t get one mistaken for the other.

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s a “problem” or something blizzard needs to “fix”. it means you need to either deal with it or quit.

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It’s slightly different now because the way loot is distributed and resource taps work have been changed

As well as the accessibility of being able to do it because a toaster could run at least 3 clients of WoW now days

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This is the only legit argument because the way loot works now isn’t how loot worked when multiboxing was approved. But the only people who know if it has had a significant effect are the Blue people watching this thread.


I see you watching!

Everything else is the same isn’t it? MB still blowing people up the same way they did back in the day the way they do now lol.

Or MB still get blown up the same way they did back in the day.

Also true, my point was that wpvp is still the same as it was back in the day. There’s WM benefits now but, in all the multiboxer threads I’ve been in I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone say “multiboxers get more WM benefits” :rofl:

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I have 0 issues with MB outside of how loot distribution works currently and how node taps work, aside from that they’re like a fun little side show

I’d rather they change the way how loot gets handed out and node taps work more than outright slapping multiboxing off the face of the earth

This is what I think is the most likely event that would take place. I don’t think they’d get rid of MB they’d just break loot, but I’m not sure how they’d break loot from mobs without affecting solo players in groups. Nodes they could do personal loot, that’s the best idea I’ve seen.

I don’t even know why they made it personal loot on every mob tap anyway

I felt like it worked fine before

However I preferred the old loot system in general

No way, personal loot is way better than the old system.

Personal preference

I saw no issues with how old loot was distributed

I am cool if they make a personal toggle switch for your looting preference. My toggle will be set to personal loot.