To wherever the twink thread went

I can’t find you, I tried. I just wanted to chime in and say wow… I just only recently resubscribed after being away for 4-5 months. Why do we have a separate queue? 43 minute wait how wonderful.

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Because twinks only want to fight other twinks.



The search button (magnifying glass under Support at the top of the page) – clicking that and typing “twink” in the box didn’t return any results? Because I just got 50+ when I did that.


Sorry haven’t played in a few months new layout is super different. Apologies for not being able to find the thread.

You may be looking for The stigma against twinking never warranted this methinks.


Ah yes that’s the one! Thank you so much!

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Twinks being spread across so many brackets makes that not even likely to occur in most.

The only ones that pop are below 30 and even that takes an hour, I’ve spent 4 hours in a 60 que today till I gave up logged off.

In its current state, the change is hot garbage and isolates some of the playerbase.

That piece of the playerbase is spread thinly across multiple brackets. Which is the primary reason why ques don’t pop.

A simple fix, is for XP off games, halve the number of players required for the battleground.

But using the stupid statement that keeps being parroted over and over about twinks just vs twinks has no real comprehension of what is actually occurring.


If by some you mean the 100-200 people/twinks that can barely queue, yes.


Learn to pvp on even terms with your opponents, deal with the queue or find another game, I have zero sympathy for twinks.


Link to your source or you made that up.

What you really want is for them to waste most of their time leveling characters they will delete shortly.

Judging by the complaints it isn’t made up. I haven’t seen anyone leveling complain about BG queues, but twinks sure have. There’s your opportunity to jump on an alt and do so, I guess.


jump on an alt and do what, exactly? I’m not understanding what your point is. Clearly there’s way more than 100 twinks who used to queue regularly. That number you made up must feel right to you, as a person with zero recent experience. So hey, feelgood number is close enough to be true, even if it’s off by an order of magnitude, right?


if there were as many twinks as some of you want to claim, there wouldn’t be excessive queue times.


If there were only 100 twinks in all as she was claiming, there was clearly no problem worth addressing.

So then, why was a total of 5 twinks in all in a bracket/faction a problem?

Answer: it was 10 or 100 times that many.

You seem to be clinging to this 100 twinks thing. The point of what I said was if there was this grand community twinks seem to be claiming exists, you wouldn’t be in the queue for hours as twinks have complained about while queues for people leveling is minutes.


Did ya look man? Did ya even look? Its been in the top 20 threads all day today :confused:

Agreed, same goes for max level players who complained about player scaling and got the devs to back peddle on it. Its groups of players who want overwhelming statistical advantages over people far less powerful because they can not handle a fair fight and I loath it.


Makes me miss the days when a determined/coordinated 5-man group of normally-geared higher-30s-to-lower-40s could take down a 60.

Why DO twinks think they’re entitled to pvp with the regular leveling folk?

They intentionally opt to stop their XP knowing it puts them at a significant advantage. They don’t seem interested in PVP … seems more an interest in dominating other players … to what end?

Add the whole Warmode faction imbalance/Alliance only doing it for gear debacle and it basically looks like PVP is a hot mess on all fronts right now … this seems like a move in the RIGHT direction.

Maybe twinks should level their toons and compete on even footing …


The leveling population is already small to begin with. Then you only count that portion of the leveling population who actively BG as they go up. THEN it’s further segregated by level as people with XP turned on and heirlooms quickly out level any particular bracket. And then finally Blizzard FURTHER segregated it by having Twinks left out on their own.

BGS already weren’t the best way to level so Twinks are now in a bracket made up of a fraction (twinks) of a fraction (level bracket) of a fraction (people leveling who bg) of the already small leveling population.