To those considering transferring here - The Truth

The first look at Earthfury forums gives the impression that Earthfury is hopeless, lost, dead, and filled with crybabies. But the truth is, Earthfury is just new.

Yes, the majority of us transferred originally from Herod and Skeram, many of us as soon as transfers opened… eager to skip the 5 hour queue times that came with those higher population realms. For quite a few it seems they didn’t understand what it meant going from an overly populated realm to a brand new one. On day 1 there was less than 10 items on the auction house, Alliance side there was only 150 or so people on during peak hours. This immediately disappointed a lot of people who were used to instant groups and a large shopping variety, and rightfully so, we hoped more people would have transferred with us. Several of those people (including a whole guild) left within 48 hours, and then came to the forums giving what I feel to be a terrible impression of what Earthfury is, and could be.

As of today, September 10th, there are several thousand items on the Alliance auction house, and we are seeing an upwards of 700 people on during peak times, a good amount of those being players that newly rolled here (did not transfer). While that is still a low number, it is more than 4x growth in over a week. Earthfury isn’t dead, it is growing.

I can’t speak for my Horde counterparts, but during the evening there are at least a few groups in every instance, and with a few direct messages to those around towns forming a new group seems to happen fairly quickly. Guilds are recruiting often and the Earthfury Discord is fairly active with positive players on both sides.

Yes, we are still low pop, but with the new announcement allowing three additional realms to transfer here, there is the potential for our realm to be an awesome one. I have no doubt that with the amount of organic growth we have seen in the last week that Earthfury would eventually become a population amount that more people are comfortable playing in, but these newly announced realm transfers are going to make it happen so much faster!

Ultimately my point is, if you’re trying to get away from queue times on week nights, if you’re sick of standing in line waiting for the groups in front of you to kill that boss spawn, then you should definitely come to Earthfury. This realm is good, it just needs a few more of you to make it great! Come make friends.


Fully support that silly dwarf’s post <3.

Im playing Horde and we get 1.1k+ on peak hours and its growing as well.


Another Hordie agrees.


well hello Tati that’s me Pyro :smiley:

Hey Pyro! Imagine being in AlphaPhase :wink:

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Been growing everyday. I’d like to see more Alliance too. Yes, even y’all.


I was one of the first to make the jump to Earthfury, opting to xfer with my guild the moment we were able. I was one of 6 alliance characters online moments after it went live. I have seen it grow over the past week or so that it has been alive. Earthfury has a heart beat, it isn’t particularly strong when compared to other servers, but it is very much there and it is growing stronger. You can help it grow stronger still.


I’ve enjoyed the ones I’ve come across. :wink:

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Dat tasty lil gnome speaks the truth


AH is steadily growing, and groups are forming. I was worried at first, but community is growing nicely now.

Ohh…and there is a guild called “Big PP Texas Cowboy Gang”…


Thanks for lookin’ out for us. <3 (but also ur red ur dead etc etc)


its a decent server and one of the ways I use to tell health is that I am starting to see twink items be sold for good prices…both 19 and 29s…the sever is healthy and getting better every day…


Wonderful post. :smile:

I do hope others utilize the free transfers so we can get this server BUSTLING!!

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Three cheers for Earthfury! It’s my favorite server.

Go Earthfury! I believe in all of you. :rocket:

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Good post Okolona as I told you on the Discord as well but had to leave some feedback.

I have been on Earthfury since day 1 of transfers and have seen the server grow from barely seeing any other players in questing zones to being able to group up and run different dungeons at any given time. People are looking for groups, people are adding items to the AH. The community is growing and bonding which is what Vanilla was about to me at least.

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With you bud.

FYI totally shared this on Reddit to help push more to transfer. @Okolona I made sure to keep you in the screencap to give credit. :slight_smile:


Considering transferring but I will miss my name. :frowning:

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The truth indeed! I have been on EF since day 1 as well. To those on Kirtonos, Kromcrush, and Thalnos…don’t be afraid about transferring, we have a solid foundation of players in place already. With transfers from 3 full/high pop servers, we should be sitting pretty with a thriving community and no queues. To those on Herod/Skeram who were waiting to see how EarthFury grew before moving, take another look tonight!

I agree completely. I have been telling people that it’s just growing. I have been keeping track of wowpop’s census list of players. Of accounts over level 5, we are at 6.6k. When compared to Skeram/Herod’s 50-60k. People are just use to the crowd and bumping into someone every 10 feet. Earthfury is growing every day. It’s not a dead realm. Scuba Cops left prematurely. They moved level 60s to Earthfury, only to reroll in another queue server. Hopefully they’ll come back when they see their mistake.