To the Test: Rune of Shadow binding not working on Volocross

I’ll add my name in to the list of multiple kills on all 3 no credit towards quest… Feels bad.


i could see them letting it go past tuesday…this is blizzard were talking about here. there are known bugs that have been around for years


Just ran it again on normal, same thing, stay tethered to boss’s corpse after we kill him. Still slowed. No credit for quest.


ya I’ve bin trying to do this quest for a week every time i tether to any of the bosses it go away making it so i cant get the quest done i even put out a ticket and a bug report i just want this to get fix soon


Well this bug just happened so if youve been having issues for a week that is something else. Make sure you arnt using any cancel aura macros cause that can break it.


I opened a ticket and got confirmation that it is not working as intended and they’re looking into it, there’s also a blue post about it on the EU forums so they’re aware. Just submit a bug report and hope it gets fixed.


I wish I knew how the heck they break stuff like this. The questline was already buggy at various parts as it is but this is one of the steps that had no issues (aside from the annoyance of the tether needing to be used before combat). Why even touch it?


same issue. i’ve killed igira multiple times. tether to igira and it’s still connected to dead body even after the fight and the quest didn’t complete.


Has anyone tried again today? I’m sure it hasn’t been fixed but it is painful being so close to the end of the questline. I plan on trying again this evening :upside_down_face:

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Still bugged.


please get this fixed.


And EU passed it to NA lol.
So hope they get a fix in soon or probably waiting til Monday for your axes.

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I just got volcross on heroic difficulty

Forgot to try the first two bosses cause I just had it in my brain it was broken lol

Has it been fixed? Its the last thing I need for the axe. Been trying all on yesterday and earlier today. No credit from any bosses I killed while tethered

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Appears to be fixed, just got it working on Gnarlroot and Irgira. Go get your axe!

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I haven’t seen any new updates so I’m not sure. I haven’t tried the other two yet. But Volcross is checked off for me now. I tethered and did all of the mechanics and was able to maintain the tether.

Just re killed the 3 bosses and it works now!


The worm is dead, the ax is mine!


nope it still not fix tried to do it and the same thing happened