To the people complaining about 9.1

Well, that’s the GD for you.

And secondly, they are doubling down on the worst bits of Shadowlands seemingly and I personally that’s what’s got me a bit miffed.

Like Blizzard has been proven wrong, majority of players went with their “best” covenant and 9.1 is having the covenants work together. Yet there is still no interchange-ability for the class specific abilities in sight.

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Yeah, I am personally only sharing my observations. People are leaving in droves for a reason. I’m still here, but I completely understand why folks are looking at the new content and not liking the direction of the game.

I really don’t want to bullet point all of my own complaints, but here’s a good example. Twisting Corridors getting layer 12 and being advertised as new content is an absolute joke. It’s literally a randomized hallway of mobs that they are going to turn up a knob to make the stats of the mobs therein feel more difficult until our power creep from 9.1 gear catches up to match it. Mathematically, patches for mmorpg’s have always been a pattern of this, but at least it’s more disguised and saturated w/ other content so that it’s not so easily apparent.

Again, I’m still enjoying the game (not enough to play every day, but at least enough not to unsub), but I completely understand why others aren’t. You aren’t going to convince the groups of players that are leaving this game that they are “wrong” and that they should actually like the game. Your next approach which seems to be acting as though they are entitled, spoiled babies will only wind you up playing this game w/ less and less players long-term paying less and less money to blizzard for the game which will lead to even less resources than they have now working on half-baked “systematic” content updates. If that is your ideal experience, then we can stop right here because there’s probably nothing I can say to convince you to embrace the volumes of complaints we’re seeing about the game as valid.


I’m not quite sure you really understand what systems are, none of these are new systems.
Adding new systems is more like essences in 8.2, it wasn’t an expansion of the current azerite system, but an additional one built on top of it.

Having new ranks of soulbinds for example has nothing to do with systems.

It’s something prominent in game, having increased control and visibility is a huge improvement as it doesn’t have people at the mercy of understanding an addon and 3rd party site.

That’s literally WoW in a nutshell. New zone? It’s just a new skin for the same thing we already have. New raid or dungeon? Same thing.

Realistically these are none too dissimilar to the 9.1 updates though, so why do they get a pass and SL does not?

  • 7.1
  • Legion Invasions → systems
  • Karazhan Mega-Dungeon → broker mega dungeon
  • Suramar Campaign → covenant campaign (suramar was also timegated)
  • Nighthold → new raid
  • Expanded Artifacts → expanded soulbinds

To be fair though, the fact that people have gone non-optimal covenants (read Enhancement Shaman) is actually proof to them it works.
It’s not perfect sure, but it shows people are making choices.

Especially for something like Warrior where people are literally choosing all 4 dependent on preference and content choice.


Maw Invasions as well

Awww, people complaining about people complaining :roll_eyes:


All these systems are all about borrowed power, which means that they have to be able to be thrown out when 10.0 hits.

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I think you misunderstood, I was saying the exact opposite. Stats show, that majority of players went with optimal or META covenants over the one they prefer the cosmetic on.

I don’t know where your getting this from, but I can’t imagine going Maldraxxus warrior and not suffering for it. The Necrolord button for Warrior is so :poop: and I’m not even talking DPS wise. It’s just a bad, boring ability.

luckily Fleshcraft, got better with 9.0.5.


I know, but what you implied was people haven’t. As per my example of Enhancement Shaman where the vast majority of players use a covenant that is more versatile and easy to use over what would be considered (by a great margin) the “best”



also, no.

The only “system” right now is the soulbinds and maybe the legendaries.

Part of the problem is that the 9.1 patch doesn’t make up for the lack of interesting 9.0 content.

When 7.1 and 8.1 came out, I felt like I was still working through 7.0 and 8.0.

I stopped playing 9.0 months ago.


Because Legion was good. :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:


So what.

So it has literally the same problems and SL, in fact worse ones, gets less content in their x.1 patch. But they are just better cause reasons?

Just makes me think people don’t understand what they want or what they don’t like and are simply driven by what they hear online and it affects their perspective.

I hope that was sarcasm

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I have been telling you this was going to happen.
I said the only thing they would take is the scaling down in PvE and keep the rating levels. It was the obvious way they were going to implement it, which was why I disagreed with you being happy to see it return.


All they need to do is remove rating tiers on gear
Its literally that easy :roll_eyes: i don’t even know who the people crying for gear progression in pvp are


This sums it up.

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no pvper is actually asking for glad gear for doing random bgs rofl

we are just asking for removal of ranks on gear and ilvl disparity reduced between honor and conquest gear


Yeah pretty much. Saw it coming from a long way though, they would have liked having people having something to push for.

I imagine participation rates on PvP were up this last season as well which would further Blizzard’s perception that the design is good.

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Was thinking about the flow of BFA (to use the most recent example) by comparison with SL. Was wondering if the game is going to feel better with the new patch/gear upgrades or will it feel worse than the last time?

Think early BFA raid gear getting bested by vendor bought benthic.

It can feel like everything done was for naught…until it’s all replaced and you get back into the ’feels right for me’ zone…then do it again. The hamster wheel so to speak.

I’ve almost come to peace with the wheel. I’m less interested, no interest in chasing gear, play on the weekends only…but have fun still when I play. Not complaining about the upcoming change. I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round…