To tanks ... sincerely from a healer

Oh, and tag + kite literally everything is somehow more strategic? Sitting there dropping CC on a list of mobs everyone knows to CC is more strategic?

At least with mass aoe the execution was fun. Route planning was fun. With this meta it’s just annoying.


In fairness, I think there are plenty of mythic CN bosses that would shred you to pieces in short order if you didn’t have a second tank in the raid to taunt swap.

But yes, point taken, fortified “trash” packs unironically can do more damage than raid bosses.

Blizzard implements changes to the game. They don’t implement themselves. Devs are not helpless spectators.

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Why would they change this? They’re only interested in designing the game so the top 0.000001% of players have fun with it.


The almighty timed race demands your healer tears! Go go go!

I rarely pug a healer so idk if this is a thing that happens, but do y’all ever just say at the start “hey Tanky-pooh please give me a second to drink if I hit X% mana?”

They need to reduce damage done by trash and add ranged attacks to most / every mob to get rid of the kiting meta.

It would be hilarious if Random Bandit just pulled out a crossbow (so, no kicks!) the moment the tank tries to drag him around :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t give them ideas!

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Wanna know what (imho) would be the better (possibly best) experience for m+?

Having sets of mobs that you round up to burn down while also requiring certain targets being focused/kited/cced ect

I don’t mind having to kite if say mob x is on me and does lots of damage. I mind when its tag and drag until the end.

It’s just like how its kinda boring having to use CC on EVERY pack. The biggest takeaway is that to make instances interesting you should have a mix of the two during your route in a m+

Just play a resto shaman and never need to drink again.

So… literally BFA?

it was also the instance design of many other xpacs as well. Shocking that the middle ground between the two wants makes for more varied and therefore interesting game play

BFA had other issues that needed to be beaten with a stick, not so much the design of the dungeons themselves.

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I love M+ like to beat the timer. It is fun to pull a group around los and see them get blown down with dps. What I don’t like is chasing after a tank, trying to cast a heal to have them run out of range before goes off. Or tanks not using los to gather mobs, and everyone is dieing because they lost aggro because then are out of range. I don’t think that is fun for melee dps or ranged when the tank is gone.


Remember when there were stats for dodging and blocking and parrying?

Those were the days.


To be honest I think this might be an unintended consequence of bugging tank threat generation so much.

If you can keep threat of enemies from 40 yds away after 10 seconds of opening up on them, then of course the most effective strat is going to be hopping away.

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Hey, don’t knock masochism too much.
Some of us enjoy it.

Probably rather than type that out while watching the group disappear it would be better to have a macro that would say, “HEALER MANA ALERT!” that could be keybound.

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do what I did…just stop healing altogether until blizzard stops playing stupid games.

Sucks for those of us who find healing to be the most entertaining role within group content. In a PuG context the current reality is absolutely miserable.