To clarify - GDKP ban does not extend to selling dungeon items / etc correct?

Only if BOP

Looks to me like Blizz openned up a hornets nest that they arent fully prepared for with this one.

I read the blue text, didn’t specify BoP or not.

After rereading the blue text, seems selling raid only crafting materials on the auction house will also fall under gold in exchange for raid or dungeon items.

So if you win the purple staff but never equip it because someone in the raid bribed you with gold for it, and you trade the staff away for gold, is that bannable now?

We’re defining GDKP as any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold.



Sorry, submitter.

It likely does.

I personally would never risk a ban for any exchange of items for gold outside of the AH. As it is I feel like tipping for services could potentially trigger the warden system and that they need to add Vellum’s to the game so chanters can safely sell their chants.