To anyone who says BFA has content

ERP in Goldshire.

rekt OP

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I like hanging out in Boralus showing off my transmog. So do many many other people. They must like doing it right? If it weren’t for BfA I’d have to do that in Stormwind or gasp Ironforge.

The incursions are pretty sweet, gives a lot of WPvP situations. Island Expeditions are a relaxing way to grind for me. My go to for every expansion since BC is battlegrounds cause the thrill of PvP is so satisfying and it doesn’t require you to form teams beforehand to engage in.

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The only content I have enjoyed with no rewards since vanilla is wpvp.

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Well I can make a lot of things that people do for fun that also galena to have rewards. Like fishing for example. It’s reward is fish.

For me, this is what I do in azeroth for fun, regardless of if I get an item as a reward or not.

  1. Mythic+ - just fun to run. I love tanking, and while I do a+10 each week for a reward, I do a lot of 5-8 or so for fun. 4-5 hours a week.

  2. Raiding - Just fun to play with my raid group. I don’t need any gear from heroic uldir anymore but we still have a jolly good time. 6 hours a week.

That’s all I do personally, as it’s the gameplay I love. That’s 10 - 11 hours a week which is more than enough for me for wow! There are hundreds of other games to enjoy on the side.


But even then, the reward is enjoyment!

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weird i got a notification that my post was edited by a mod “due to masked language” but the post is still identical and i have no idea what “masked language” is referring to.
