To anyone who says BFA has content

No one does anything in this game “just for fun”.



There are people to this day that have never raided.

Wsg before the timer was added took literally forever if both teams were competent.


You cant hold the game responsible for a players choice to not raid.


M+. It already has no gear reward after 10 and people do for fun/challenge.

Check mate!


Yeah…I definitely was in some hour+ long WSGs in Vanilla.

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Warmode is a blast and as horde you don’t even feel the 10% buff so even without it many of us would still wpvp unlike the filthy alliance dogs who need 3x the reward of the horde to even just turn it on.

If there was no rewards then raiding, which is a big part of this game, would be dead.

Does that mean there’s never been raiding content?

The requirement that it has to be enjoyable -without- a reward is silly, almost everything in this game rewards you in some ways.

Warfronts once in a while are a nice change of pace. Islands are fun, and have lots of throw backs and new locations, some of these islands I wish we could visit outside of the Expeditions because they seem really neat.

The incursions are just legion invasions, but those were nice to begin with, so I have no issues with them.

Then you have the updated content every expansion gets through raids, pvp, and dungeons.

Sure, BFA isn’t the best expansion in the world, but it’s still better than garrison manager 2000.

I also like the world quest changes, now I’m not going to do world quests I don’t want to do for the chance of something, I know what I’m getting upfront so that I know if I can skip them or not.

Edit: And the changes to warmode aren’t balanced, but alot of people seem to enjoy it, and that’s new to BFA.

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In what expansion have people done any content “just for fun” without the prospect of any kind of reward? This game has always been about chasing rewards of one kind or another. I get that BfA isn’t great but this argument is pretty baseless. Stop moving the goalposts to fit your narrative.


They were using WG as an analogy of content they like. Not that they want WG in BfA specifically.

Content is there
Enjoyment is subjective *

The phrase "I don’t like therefore everyone else doesn’t like it " is silly :rofl:


Until this xpak, my least favorite was MoP. Now I would rather have those dang pandas back.


You’re going too far.

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I do Warfronts on both sides just for the fun of it. I like the Warfronts.

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Raiding. Gear is extremely unrewarding nowadays so I raid just for fun. Spending time with my best friends in raids is a reward in and of itself.

I also enjoy a warfront from time to time because running around being the only person collecting wood is fun for me.

There is still fun to be had in Bfa, but it’s not a great experience overall.


I wouldnt say lack of rewards I would say quality of rewards.

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Invasions and raiding

got 404 was in it win it did it

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For me? The war campaign and assaults. Also, warfronts.

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When I do Warfronts they are always quick for the queue and people seem to participate. Don’t know the motivation between them. I do them because I enjoy them more than LFR. I don’t do any other group content though.