To all the quit posts

Not many people actually get “baited into believing” the xpac is bad. They are just playing the xpac and thinking that it isn’t great. Sure there are some that bandwagon the hate for something, but I bet that is a small minority. Most actually don’t like it.

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You are being downvoted because the tone you are sending thru your posts sounds like this:

“Hahahaha scrubs, git gud or gtfo! I am having fun with this game and if you losers arent you can f off!”


You’re in the wrong place. You got understand, a lot of people who play the game don’t even check the forums. That in itself is a minority. Don’t worry about what people post here, because you’re gonna get the same thing every time.

How would this person know it’s “literally 1%” - meaning, literally 1%. How does this magical human mage know those numbers? Oh right, they don’t know them. Just like they also cannot divine that “everybody loves” it.

I’ve long speculated, people like the OP seek to dismiss the messenger and bury the message. Not sure how that’s helpful. If people find themselves here, no amount of “Polly Anna” paint is going to gaslight them into rethinking their own conclusions.


Enjoyment is subjective, but at the end of the day I don’t understand the “I’m quitting posts” either… 9/10 times they arnt constructive and its just a person looking to angrily vent about what was their “last straw”. /shrug

I don’t even bother opening the thread honestly lol.

I’m really disappointed the OP didn’t just say “can I has ur goldz?”

Keep those rose coloured glasses on. People are leaving in droves and soon this game will die a quick death. Then blizzard will get what’s coming to them for been greedy aholes and ruining a once AMAZING GAME running it into the ground for the sake of money which will dry up very soon. And I hope most people don’t touch their other games over this too.



So what? Cyberpunk sales broke day 1 records and a month later both Sony and Xbox offered unconditional refunds on the title and removed it from their digital store.

We surely understand by now marketing can sell anything, especially to gamers. I understand this may be one of the only statistics you have available to you right now, but it is hardly meaningful.


People have literally been saying this for years… most places I’ve read are actually reporting an increase in subs from prev. years. (The truth behind this is questionable as Blizz doesnt post numbers) but they are all agreeing its an increase not decrease.

In your dreams. You have 12010 achievment points that tells me you having been playing for long and have NO IDEA what you’re talking about. Hmm makes me wonder ANOTHER BLIZZARD EMPLOYEE doing damage mode. GL with having a job soon cause big cuts will come again once the money starts drying up.


LOL really? Wow. I didn’t realize. Was it that bad?

Three of the copies bought were me, and a forth was my wife. I stopped playing the other two when shadowlands was released, because gold is irrelevant to me in this expansion. I should have gotten on the refund band wagon when multi-boxing was vilified. I didn’t because I had fun playing 3 toons at once. I don’t have fun playing one toon now.

How many of the 3.7 million copies sold were multi account holders? How many are subscribed since launch vs when their 6 month prepurchased time is gone? I bet it is more than 1%.


But flagging the OP because they like Shadowlands, and is tired of the same “I quit” threads is very professional?

I get that people don’t like Shadowlands, in which I’m my opinion I don’t understand why, but they too need to realize ranting without any good feedback doesn’t make them the better person

Two wrongs don’t make a right

OP wasn’t flagged because he likes the game, he was flagged because he had a condescending tone in the opening post. You can have different opinions on stuff, but my god if your approach to things sucks, then you are on your own.
Remember, nobody ever listens to the crazy looking guy on the streets screaming doomsday, they listen to the one who tells it nicely.

As for the “I quit” threads, those are just people who want to be validated for quitting a thing they don’t enjoy. They want validation for wasting money, simple as that.


If Blizz made a game where 99% of players liked it and 1% of players quit I strongly doubt they’d make changes based on forum QQ.
Why would they? Why would they listen to 1% of players when they have 99% retention?


Maybe it’s because it isn’t 1%

Just because you’re playing doesn’t mean you are enjoying 100% of the game. Is it really either or with you? Either you like 100% of SL or you hate 100% of SL? I can’t like all the great looking zones, be happy people were wrong about node availability, but also not want to be forced grounded in the maw or forced to a single mount?

This I agree with, I mean that should be obvious to everyone. If the people quitting were the majority there would be all kinds of crazy changes happening weekly :rofl:

But quitters don’t have to be the majority to illicit change, they just have to reach some threshold

So, the OP mocking others for their opinions on why they quit is obvoiusly more professional (i.e. whine whine whine)?

Trying to understand your logic here on why you think OP is more professional in their post versus the one you deem isn’t…

Cause yes, when you unsub, you are asked why, and given a certain amount to say. If it goes more then what they expect, it asks you to go to the forums. Now saying all quit posts are legitimate is foolish, but even the most foolish of things hold a certain degree of honesty in it.

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I kind of agree with what you say to some degree.

I have to admit, this expansion is better than BFA was during its first patch so far, its not as good as what TBC up to MOP was (yes even Cataclysm) or Legion but it is fine so far, its better than WOD and BFA easily.

idk man, excluding classic’s player base I think all the “I quit” people have added up to over 50% over the years.

People aren’t ranting by and large. When I take the time to read their posts they usually put out a fairly detailed explanation of why they’re not enjoying the game. Sometimes they offer solutions along with that.

But Ion even said in an interview, a person can simply say, “this isn’t fun” and that is feedback. You don’t have to have a spreadsheet calculating that, you can simply feel that way. You are encouraged to leave feed back here, and so this is where people come who can be bothered to so so. Many people don’t bother, they just leave. Perhaps you’d rather that happened?