To all the people who group together to stomp random bgs

Have you not read any of the above posts ? They took literal pictures of hellspawn and mine alts ingame without us knowing . It’s weird asf . And he keeps blaming it all over forums for sympathy points .

If it was any other random saying the same stuff cow does you’d flame them just as much don’t even .

I don’t appreciate being lied about thank you very much .

All they’re trying to do is show you that they actually play the game

Jugaa shared all of their personal information (social media) on the forums. It makes sense they try and keep a low profile.

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By stalking us ewww

I’m so confused on how taking a screenshot of the scoreboard to show you that they’re in your game is stalking

People do that to me all the time, I find it flattering


It wasn’t a screenshot of the scoreboard

Are you talking about them screenshotting your gloves?

Yes and they are claiming I’m afk and got boosted .

And they have a picture of hellspawns toon which hellspawns didn’t approve of .

Like I said I don’t appreciate being lied about . They could just literally ask me .

Am I a stalker when I take a selfie with someones corpse in game lol?


That’s different.
You aren’t making up lies about the person to further gain support for an argument on forums .

I suppose you and I have different definitions of what a stalker is.

I do agree Holycow can be a bit of a know-it-all dork, but I think everyone who goes on the forums can do that. People can be stubborn when they’re frustrated. I’ve hung out in game with enough people that I’ve disagreed with on the forums to know 99/100 people are just “getting it out”

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Well it’s different when they are blatantly saying I afk and boosted . Even if they didn’t say my name directly I don’t appreciate it in the slightest . I worked hard to level my mw monk from lvl 50 onward . I don’t appreciate being accused of boosting or going afk . I don’t afk .

I statically planned out which toons for that time walking week that I was going to level and how I was going to level them .

Now this makes more sense as to why you don’t like Holycow.

Why didn’t you just say that to begin with? =P

Stalker? No

Butthead? Ye

I did say that many times throughout the thread even and I even provided proof for ppl saying it wasn’t my monk .

I even provided proof that I almost out healed a fully geared healers in ashran with 0pvp gear on .

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If you try to control everything, and then worry about the things you can’t control, you are setting yourself up for a life of frustration and misery.

In other words you know the truth and shouldn’t waste your energy on things you have no control over. Once I started doing that my life got so much better.


You know what your right sir


Now that that’s out of the way idk what toon I want to try to rbg on the most . Tmog wise it’s a tie between priest and dragon girl . I just can’t decide . But idk if I’ll have enough time to fully grind out both . :melting_face:

Also in response to:

Holycow is friendly (to me although we weren’t always,) respond to my posts, defends me when I’m suspended, and occasionally drops me a like

Calling them a stalker just sparked my curiosity is all. Doesn’t seem the kind of person to go out of their way to harm someone.

Priest imo, you can’t do thigh highs on a drago

Have u seen my dragons thigh highs tho

:eyes: :eyes:

Well, they entered the game with comms in place, the intention of playing to win, with geared characters (no fresh 70s), and all of this is more than what pugs are capable of. What a disingenuous argument you’re making lmao.

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