To all the people who group together to stomp random bgs

well I remember one time he posted a ss of my druid Katana saying something about you or referring to you…because the names were close I guess.

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It’s kinda sad you have to take ss to prove anything imho. It does sound like a serious stalker issue. Like I said I even got dragged into his little stalker stuff with a ss of my druid because it’s name was similar to yours. Thats serious creeper stuff ewww …like ewww bigtime. I mean who goes around taking ss’s of all your inventory …he probably was stalking your toon and did an inspect to get that .

oh that was ur cute troll ! i approve but yeah thats creepy

exactly yet he wants to paint jugaa as a “doxxer” posting a twitter . But we got holy over here saving ss and being a legit actual stalker lol

Yeah the troll druid was my resto…I am not even on her much but somehow i come into forums and he has a screen shot of her up asking you if that was yours or something. Now i’m gonna have to perk her in a less populated place so i don’t have to worry about who lurking behind a bush taking ss’s of me


i find it odd tho bcuz he says he doesnt pvp only posts ss for ppl that cant hmmm yet he finds our toons and has ss of only us hmm

I had forgotten about inspections. That’s how they’re doing it then.

exactly which means hes ingame stalking me because he cant get over being called out about 15% pvp cheevs and highest ever was 1600 lul. Its his trying to be gotcha moment but he really didnt eat .

Does anyone actually think he has any besides forum trolling?

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im not to sure ik that he got all crazy when jugaa linked his twitter on here . other then that im pretty sure he just a forum troll . Unless this is like a throw away account . At this point there would be no difference lol .

i know he reads everything i type he just doesnt respond bcuz he scared asf. Because he knows hes a stalker creep . His silence confirms it basically .

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Group Finder allows you to spend 5 min to do the same thing.

People are probably just farming their Daily Conquest faster.

Yes, I enjoy doing BG’s with my friends is that so bad?

I’ll never understand why everyone rags on Holycow

1600 is better than 90% of the people on the forums


I mean, he is a Lightforged Draenei named Holycow. Something is off there, he wouldn’t be sus if he was Tauren or Highmountain.


Tauren when you merc yo

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Hrm, half-sus then.


True story. I got that rating unintentionally.

I was capping conquest and healing a random person from LFG.

I ended up helping them get their very first 1750. They were so excited and happy!



if you’re half as good as your friend I played with today, you’re prob pretty good

Oh, I didn’t know they played with you.

Nah, it’s just PvE for me.


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Because that’s all they’ve done and they act like they know everything , they like to stir the pot all the time . Nice to know you are friends with a stalker .

How are they a stalker lol

that’s literally 99.9999% of the forums and /i in instance chat lol

They have their opinions this is where you voice them