To all the people who group together to stomp random bgs

I’m half asleep getting ready for bed and I read that wrong lmaoooo thought you put have you tried this ranch as in ranch sauce rotfl oml I need sleep :sob::skull:

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How does coms help them gy camp easier? Seems like coms isnt the problem. Its a skill gap.

And what would you suggest that blizzard do for that minority? Do you want them be separated by gear score brackets? Or maybe games played brackets? Did you ever stop to think that by doing either, or both that you would be EXTENDING the que times for bgs? We can’t have cake and eat it too. We have to pick one or the other. People need to suck it up and ACCEPT that we will not win EVERY battle we play.

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I wouldn’t even have enough for a full set.


That would be nice. Then we would have fewer undergeared healers wearing stuff like this:

And losing all their bgs.

They actually need a premade raid to carry them.

Went over this extensively on another thread. The best thing would probably be some kind of “recent performance” metric. Also, this would require cross-faction queueing which should pretty much solve any queue time concerns.

Look, we all go through the meat grinder to gear up for pvp. It sucks. Its gonna suck until we get geared and learn to play our classes the way blizzard intended and NOT the way we want to play them. Pvp has ALWAYS been this way since this game’s creation. Tantrum throwing isn’t gonna solve anything. Children usually learn that by the time they are adults…or should.

To solve the solo player facing premades…join a pvp guild, then have fun! If you can’t beat the opposition, join them!!

Back in the day, my wife and I got tired of facing twinks in the bgs so we made twinks of our own and hunted other twinks to put them into the ground over and over again. Did we also use our twinks to win bgs? Yes.

Use every advantage you can to win a battle. There are no rules in war but to win. If you can’t or won’t do what they do to win then you don’t want to win.


This is a video game.

There are rules.

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Well you are correct in that winning within the games coded rules. Within the game’s hard-coded rules, there are no rules. I am not implying or condoning hacking in any way.

Do you think it’s ok if people place spies and saboteurs on the other team?

Or submit false reports to get people booted out of the game?

Placing spies or[quote=“Holycow-uldaman, post:49, topic:1627634, full:true”]

Do you think it’s ok if people place spies and saboteurs on the other team?

Or submit false reports to get people booted out of the game?

What!? Are you a conspiracy theorist? Do you know how hard it would be to do that in random bgs? Do you not know that both sides have lazy people that just want to que for bgs and go afk for easy honor? Some people will always find some reason to hate on someone else because of one reason or another. No, I am not talking about doing those things purposely. You are taking what I said to the far left as I expected some of you to do. But, I shouldn’t have left myself open.

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It’s been a long, long time since I was able to enjoy rbgs with friends. And I mean enjoy, because yes. There’s not much else like you and your friends pvping together with no rating attached. Just mucking about killing likeminded players.

I also liked BGing solo, because I liked to fraps 1vX clips which friends make impossible. But pvp with friends are more fun.

Yeah, pretty sure you have no f’'n clue the type of player that you are talking to. I’m not advocating for this because I’m the one getting killed. I’m advocating for this because the BGs are a total joke when too many undergeared/inexperienced players are on one side.

  1. This sucks for the people who have no chance of winning.
  2. This sucks for the people who gain no enjoyment from killing people who have no chance of winning.
  3. This sucks for people like the paladin below who was the only decent player on his team.
  4. It just sucks.


There are some things in life that are not fair, bud. It makes no difference to me what kind of player you are. Do you know how many times I’ve tried to heal a bg full of new players that refused to listen to experienced players and just did what they wanted? It’s almost like they don’t want to learn. I’m not talking about all of them either. They will not learn how to win unless they are thrown in with us experienced players and teach them if they are open to be taught. Throwing kids into a playground full of kids will not teach them what a parent can.

This isn’t life. This is a game. It’s a game where Blizzard actually has the ability to improve things but keeps serving you the same plate of crap, which you gobble up and meekly say “more please.”

WTF, do you beat your children in order to teach them how to fight and stand up for themselves?

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Lol, oh you extremists… Absolutely not, but I will never teach them to cowardly turn their backs on someone who will not leave them alone and definitely stand their ground. But, to answer your question, yes they will get knocked down at first until they learn to handle themselves.

Found some footage of Holibandit preparing his child for random BG pvp.


“Timmy, you’ve been a very bad hunter, go sit in the corner. The corner is labeled “Farm” on the map. The oven is on, don’t stand next to the oven, you might burn yourself. The oven looks like a flag, it’s an illusion. Let me know if any bad people come and try to hurt you. Don’t talk to strangers, call your brothers and sisters for help.”

Well now that you have decided to throw personal insults, there is no sane reason to continue interacting with you.

Lol, 10char…


Tantrum throwing isn’t gonna solve anything. Children usually learn that by the time they are adults…or should.

^ This was you, wasn’t it? An abusive parent and a hypocrite. I pray for your children.

You wanted to play this game, so I played it.

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