To all the people who group together to stomp random bgs

don’t think I said pvp is or should be a kumbayafest. I said it must be boring, to go into a random bg pretty much knowing you’re going to have the upper hand. So this didn’t make sense. But go off I guess lol.

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i dont think you understood that i did /s for sarcasm

What I said, that you quoted, plus what you said in response with that /s still didn’t make sense, there’s no correlation between the two statements. :man_shrugging:t2:

To get a reaction out of you. That’s about it, Kookiedough.

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Does it feel good for you [to enter a BG in a party]? Does [entering a BG in a party] get your ego running? LMAO.

Take a minute to realize exactly what you’re complaining about. You got stomped in a BG and now you’re on the forums blaming THE WAY YOUR OPPOPNENTS ENTERED THE BG for your loss.

You got outplayed by better players than you and it had nothing to do with how they entered the game. Get over it.


/s means sarcasm learn it good lord

oh its her LUL makes sense

They aren’t playing an MMO, they’re playing a MeMeOnline game.


Anything past 2 players should give greatly diminished honor. Because, at 5, you pretty much are half-way to an RBG. Then again, RBGs are crap. Give us solo-rbgs!

3 player = Negative 33% honor
4 player = Negative 66% honor
5 player = Negative 99% honor



no and no and oh yeah no super glad you are not incharge youd kill off pvp for good .

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So you admit it is already on life support? Why oppose solo-rbg queues? And lets be real, most players that queue in groups of 5 are just in it for the stomp, not the honor. They can still have the stomp, just not honor.


Why are you playing a social game, if you don’t want people to be social?


if gear is so easy you shouldn’t be getting stomped on…

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tf admit to what ? where did i say no to solo rbg qs? incase you are having some mind difficulties here i will type it out for you again . Read this time plz .

no and no and no again .

well you couldn’t be anymore wrong . Just say you have no friends its ok .

I have an idea…

why don’t we give HONOR for forum posts…

we have some REAL keyboard warriors out here.

they should be fully geared in a day or two

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o god that wouldnt help these complainers they would still cry and blame forum premades next .

Yes I love destroying pugs but I also love destroying premades and more organized groups. Hope that answered your questions.

@ OP

All I can say is you should join a PvP community and give it a try. Grouping with 4 other like-minded players is a lot more fun than solo que and being frustrated because you lose all the time.

Also, there’s mercenary mode. When you’re in a losing rut, go merc for a few matches.


have you tried gy ranching?

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ive got an indoor gy grow room. since legalising gy’s for personal use the price has gone down but I usually just sell it on the gy black market anyways.