To all the people who group together to stomp random bgs

He had to bow out with some semblance of saving face by constructing some kind of moral high ground since he could no longer argue with logic and facts.

…lol. Getting carried by other skilled players gives you an ego boost? In an unrated bg, no less? What prestige is there in that? How amazing and skilled do you feel when one shotting that fresh 70? Or does the ego boost come from having “friends” who enjoy stomping undergeared and uncoordinated pugs together?

That’s about the only reason I could see. Certainly not an ego boost, I’d probably feel dirty afterward doing this to pugs. But in the moment it could be fun I guess.

It’s fairly bad when I came in here to see my resto druids ss standing in vald and him questioning her about it. Katana is my resto …this was a while back i had almost forgotten about it. No it’s not the be all and end all of things but I have to say i was bit taken back. it just started to look like a common theme in this post to me honestly


It’s posted in frams tmog thread

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I’m sure they’ll stop now that they know it makes yall feel uncomfortable (I hope so anyway.)

Calling someone a stalker is a lot of shade to throw on someone. I take that stuff seriously. I’ve had one, it sucked lol.


That remains to be seen .

I’ve had many it’s not fun .

Your druid was standing at BT in Wintergrasp.

I took a screenshot because your toon had a similar name to someone’s in the PvP forums.

If I ever run into a toon named “GenerateBrie”, I’ll also take and post a screenshot. Apologies if that randomly happens to be one of your alts too.

"I saw you on your secret Horde toon!

:wink: "

She liked that post.

(In case it’s not clear, the winking emoji means I’m joking.)

Nah what they, and I, and others said since they Holycow questioned how people end up at 70 with that gear (226ish ilvl greens) was that either they boosted, and gave some other alternate suggestions on how someone ends up with that gear. No one mentioned Kit at all and I doubt anyone knew it was their alt until they came into the thread and tried insulting me and others for trying to explain the reasoning behind having ilvl 226 gear at 70.

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To be perfectly honest with you? I don’t even care if I win/lose BGs anymore because there’s nothing tied to them that I get for winning. If I’m in a premade group with people it’s because there’s a few of us in Discord hanging out and we’re all just bored so we go team fight for fun, and if someone on our team cares enough to go capture a flag or whatever–great, if not, no one cares.

Why would you care? I ‘honestly’ leveled 1 toon at the start of the expansion, the rest of the lvl70’s on my account I paid two randos out of trade gold to go kill stuff while I watched a movie and touched my mouse occasionally. I don’t think buying arbitrary services within ToS for content that anyone on the planet could do carries the same negative stigma that buying rating or something does. lol Who the hell wants to manually level 3 Priests? :rofl:

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Oh noes, not that! I can’t stand people who want to win!

I mean it’s great when they’re on your side lol.

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Thought you did not PvP? At any rate I could care less. Your passive aggressive nature is pretty much an indicator of who you are as a person …thus not anyone I care to know or interact with, so I don’t care how you answer . Enjoy your existence :wink:


Yes it does. Makes me warm and fuzzy

Not looking for prestige but I do enjoy hitting an undergeared player 100-0 in 3 seconds for sure. I imagine the look on their faces and the rage when irt happens. Makes me warm and fuzzy

Its a lot of un to GY camp a group and hit their weak players for 130k Ice lances back to back to back.

I’ve bought like 10 leveling boosts. I’d much rather do other stuff than spam level

One of the many perks of not being poor

You’re honor level 16, why are you even on the bg forums to begin with?

Oh you’re rival in shuffle.

Did someone get social contracted LOL? For some reason, I’m not surprised.

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i care because i dont appricate being lied about , plus its creepy having ppl ss your toon ingame without knowing .

some people liek to level

:100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100:

nah you legit were siding with cow on agreeing that the person pictured was boosted you said and i quote :

That implies that you think i bought a boost

No where anywhere was i harrasing you i simply said you were saying that i bought a boost lol

if that is "harrasing " you have issues lol

oh yeah bri i forgot to show you these

LOL @ these holy posts tho

yeah just leaving these here for refrence.

Yeah I find it strange that this player is obsessed with taking screenshots I have had run ins with forums regulars in battlegrounds and the last thing on my mind is taking a screenshot and posting it on forums. It’s a game and one team will win and one team will lose. And unless you are Floyd Mayweather everyone loses.


OMG THANK YOU ANOTHER PERSON THATS 3 OF US now that think its mf creepy .

Yeah the person’s last post about making sure they will take a screenshot when they see someone from the forums is a bit overboard at least in my opinion.


exactly i remember you were the first person i saw say soemthing about it too .