Because some mogs, particularly cloth, looks better on females.
Edit: mistyped mogs (transmogs) as mobs. Would’ve been awkward😂
Because some mogs, particularly cloth, looks better on females.
Edit: mistyped mogs (transmogs) as mobs. Would’ve been awkward😂
It’s all about the mogs.
This guy is my main. I’ve a small handful of mogs that I’m actually happy with.
On my female human paladin and female void elf mage, I’ve got options. So many options that look freakin’ great, from classic judgement, to Mythic SoO mixed with some randomness, to Ulduar mix and match.
I did it on a whim a few years ago and it became a habit ever since. I also find that female player models look significantly better to me than males more often than not.
Looks and theme. I picked a female DH because she just looked better to me. I’d never pick a female goblin though… shivers
Hearing “Not enough rage” from a female voice is better than hearing it from a male.
boobs and butts, next question?
Some mogs just work better.
The body types are gender locked too, such limited customization options.
Honestly this character is male because Death Knight is kinda my power fantasy, so I want it to be as close to me as possible. But the majority of my other characters are female. Mostly because as a guy, it’s more aesthetically pleasing to look at a woman all the time then a dude.
Player behind the screen is Female IRL, so I suppose your question doesn’t precisely relate.
But… I feel comfortable playing both genders, that’s all there really is to it.
Not as odd as male Kaldorei/Nightborne.
I’m not sure why they move so… suggestively when they cast.
I play a female worgen because I want attention, and I want attention because humans are social creatures who generally require acceptance within a group in order to sustain good mental health, and also maybe if I casually flirt with people they’ll give me free stuff but that hasn’t yet so I dunno.
Variety is the spice of life. I would have missed out and many awesome games if I did not play games with female characters.
I have only one female toon and thats because the male version of night borne look like they do skooma and eat grass. I just want the mog set and then be done with her, shes currently sitting at 80 while I enjoy classic:).
I dont have any female chars, but I would say one reason I can see is that Blizzard is just terrible at making male models. Look at the difference between male and female orc. they might as well be different races.
Most male races are way too wide and look like troglodytes that could bench press 1000 pounds.
That or they look straight goofy like dark spear trolls, night elves, etc etc. Most play blood elves but to me they are way too effeminate.
Basically you have humans and Zandalari Trolls if you want to have a normal physique.
Trying to play an average looking male char in this game is pretty painful.
Usually the reason is that they are cute looking (as in attractive) and that they may look better in armor compared to the counterpart
Personally I don’t really do it, but this seems to be pretty much it. No hidden motives, it’s really just that simple.
Personally for me i’d consider doing it if I were to play a Draenei, since the male versions look a bit ridiculous with that square/rectangular shaped chest of theirs. The females look way, way better.
My characters are about 50/50 give or take but most of my females are night elves and that was mainly because the original male model was not great and at this point, I’m not paying bliz to change them.
This. Male Drenei mages are gross.
I play both sexes equally. I’m a connoisseur of character animation.
I like Pandaren, but don’t like the male walk-cycle.
and male pandas cant have tails! really leaves little choice.
This surprises me. As a female, I exclusively create and play female avatars in any game. Every other female gamer I know does the same so I just sort of assumed gender swapping in games was mostly a male phenomenon.
I did however once create a male character in another game to see if I would be treated differently. I was. Other girls were actually nice to me and I was asked to lead pvp strikes. Overall it was a much better experience, yet even so, it felt weird and dishonest and I just really prefer to play females.