To all male players, what is your reason to pick a female character?

The female toons usually just simply look better.


Cause Blizzard makes Males steroid infused monstrosities.

I honestly choose animations over models and a lot of female races have cooler animations than the males.


It is cringy especially on abilities that are filler. Hadukon is meant to be a powerful attack.

o the male playing female debate
i love this amazing paladin video and one of his guildies explains very well why he plays a female toon at 41:49

thats good enuff for me

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Is it typical for people to seek attraction to their characters? :face_with_monocle:

I donā€™t play female characters anymore but when I did (~Cata) it was just because I appreciated strong female roles.

I tend to play African American males in shooters like DayZ and the Division too despite being white because I resonated with Morganā€™s character in the walking dead.


This exactly. Idk why some people canā€™t figure it out

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Is it typical for people to seek attraction to their characters? :face_with_monocle:

Have you not visited moonguard-goldshire before?

My first ever character was a male Night Elf DK who I leveled to 90 after awhile being male I got tired of looking at his rear end and needed a change for the better so when MOP came out and pandas I made my first female then decided I rather look at their butts while playing among otherā€¦things.

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I dunno, maybe because most people arenā€™t staring at their characters butt while playing? I mean, you do you, but it is always really cringey when people say that.


Sure, but I thought they were exceptions. Weird exceptions.

I didnā€™t think that most men playing female characters were getting a rise out of virtual butts.


If Vulpera come out I may play as a female one.

ā€¦ What?

I wanna play as a fox okay? I donā€™t like the look on armour on most male small races except Goblins, (hence my Avatar).

Donā€™t know. Iā€™m gay, and as such, have no desire to be a real female, but I do enjoy playing dress up with transmog. The female models look better in clothes than do the males (save Blood/VoidElvesā€¦they look good in clothes too). I have too much fashion sense for one gender.

So there you have it. Men who play female characters are gay :stuck_out_tongue: Obviously :stuck_out_tongue:


It depends on what I want the character to be.


I read that in a Dr. Girlfriend voice.


Because felsavior is a woman thatā€™s why.

This is an role playing game, not a every character is supposed to be based off yourself game.


I always figured that if I make an attractive female character ill care about her more and be more dedicated to the character.

It never really works out though.

I canā€™t take male Nelfs seriously because of the way they cast. Like, wtf are they doingā€¦? It looks like theyā€™re humping the air. :woman_facepalming:t4:

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As a male, I cannot play female characters I create as I play what I know. If Iā€™m forced to a play a female character like Borderlands or something, then itā€™s fine. But in a game where Iā€™m role-playing, it feels weird to play a female.


Some female chars look better in gear/ animations than the male counterparts. For example I think female pandas look better in gear, unlike male pandas.

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Makes sense to me. Ironclad logic there.
