You missed my point. Let’s try again.
Oh I know this one when I macro’d a taunt on a Warrior with the /chicken emote back in Cata.
Reminds me of the og “get over here” yells macrod onto death knights deathgrip lol.
Fun times.
I know I was guilty of that… but it only lasted like 2 dungeons before I annoyed myself
It’s rare because FFXIV players put the community first and themselves second.
It’s that simple, really.
That’s because the real community with FFXIV is the roleplaying. Why do you think other content within FFXIV has lower participation numbers than WoW, despite possibly having almost the same ammount of players as WoW (average)?
- What numbers are you looking at to determine that FFXIV has the same number of players?
- What engagement metrics are you viewing, because when I last looked, FFXIV endgame engagement/clear rates were far higher than WoW.
Assuming these are close to average (Because we know Square Enix doesn’t really release numbers), we’ll go by the daily player counts:
You’re looking at around 150k players average. Then look at the types of communities with FFXIV. Most represented would be the role playing communities (by observation). Followed by probably those who does PVE content, then PVP Content being last (which wouldn’t surprise me as PVP in FFXIV is a joke.)
Now, if you look at the numbers, regardless of role signing up for, you have very long queues for certain types of PVE content, even longer of which it takes to queue for LFR as DPS. In fact, this is why Square Enix introduced Trusted Duties when queuing for certain content, because of the insane long queue times. So, I could say only estimated 20-30% possibly does end-game PVE Content. That is only estimated, I could be wrong, but this is going by the estimated numbers reported in the article, and few factors at play.
So, if you have official numbers to back up your claims here, please, lets see them.
MMO Populations is a terrible source. It still lists Tera as an active game within the top 20 most played despite the PC servers for that game shutting down almost three years ago now, and it was up until recently still listing WildStar.
It also lists Baldur’s Gate 3 for some reason, a game that isn’t even an MMO. Honestly, any number pulled from MMO Population is bunk.
Squeenix added the NPC mode for dungeons because people didn’t want to play with other people, not because of queue times. I don’t believe there’s ever been anything on the record suggesting that as the reason, but if there is, then that’s the most ridiculous and reductive decision they’ve made.
“Queue times are too long so we introduced a mode to make them even longer.”
I think you didn’t read the part of “Assuming these are close to average (Because we know Square Enix doesn’t really release numbers)”
So, where is your sources then to:
Just to add an edit here too, I did mention by observation. I didn’t confirm anything I said was official.
Oh, I know for a fact there are things that don’t get changed. Won’t pretend that I have the data to speak to relative volume of complaints vs severity of issues, but Blizzard definitely evaluates a lot of issues in terms of RoI.
I have a few such issues that I personally dislike Blizzard’s stance/inaction on that I know won’t be getting changed because they’re not high priority issues.
That’d be the upside and downside of playing the game since I was 8. Seen the best and worst of the playerbase.
How about yes on lowering the timer on the deserter and a hard no on removing Vote to Kick.
If someone is genuinely griefing and halting progress in a run and you cant remove them, then its bad user experience.
Leaving and requeuing is a terrible solution.
3 or 4 people are already in an agreement to remove said person who is griefing, being a detriment or just being toxic, I would rather finish the run that I’m in right now but without that person causing the issues then leave and have some unfortunate soul to fill my spot.
I dont think moderation for abuse of the vote to kick system isn’t going to happen personally.
There is alot of investigating to do on whenever the kick is justified or not, you would have to look through chat logs and looking at the run from different perspectives to see who is doing what. You would need to hire more Customer support staff to handle this work load considering the player base is bigger which I doubt Blizzard would do considering troll kicks aren’t really a big of a problem that some folks here claim that it is, I get it that being kicked for something you didnt do sucks, I have been in the situation before when I was in a Wrath classic halls of stone gamma difficulty gearing an alt and there wasn’t anything I was doing wrong that would warrant a kick… but it was like one situation I can recall being troll kicked and pretty every dungeon I have done on at that alt has tanked gamma dungeons just fine.
So is kicking people because of arbitrary reasons.
That’s the thing, though. The reason being arbitrary doesn’t change it coming down to a majority vote.
You’re better off reducing/reworking the penalty of Deserter than essentially creating the potential for holding groups hostage because of VTK being gone.
Unless there is some simple method that can address both. Not holding my breath.
I just wonder how well XIVs system would work, selecting pre programmed reasons. Kicks in that game are extremely rare. The community is overall more respectful until someone talks about healers DPS or others pulling for the tanks lol
It’s an issue, but the issue lies with the community not with Blizzard’s system.
An obvious solution is to just make it possible to solo dungeons.
This is what delves are for. Dungeons don’t need to be turned into delves. The follower dungeon system is more than enough for people that truly do not want to do group content but want to at least see the dungeons.
That’s not a solution to VtK issues in group content. That’s just removal of group content.
So, follower dungeons?
The issue isn’t people that don’t want to do group content, it’s that group content is becoming more and more toxic in several cases.
You can just keep the best rewards locked behind group dungeons, like how they handle raids
Ignoring the issue isn’t going to make it go away, and there aren’t a lot of solutions since it’s a pretty divisive issue.