Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

I agree, it is subjective. I’ve stated that before.

Yes, most will agree there are dumb kicks. Some clearly think there aren’t. Not unreasonable to believe they’re likely the ones who do such kicks.

Yes, that is generally what no reason means. Because when a reason for executing something isn’t really reasonable, then it’s not a reason. It’s a bad excuse employed to save face.

Reasons are generally valid or based in validity. Or rather, “reason” if you want to get really technical here.

Its still subjective. So it just goes back to “no reason” = you don’t agree.

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Nope, that’s not how English works.

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Throwing low lvl’s into timewalking is very toxic. Geared out lvl 80 tanks will pull half the instance and the healer is low lvl with barely any spells = everybody dies but the over geared tank and healer gets kicked with 30 min debuff.

Sure, and much like subjectivity and argumentation, people should be able to provide logic that informs their reason or conclusion for doing something.

Kicking someone because of an emotional response elicited by their performance or whatever excuse they give is not logical.

A quick skim through the thread would suggest most people don’t have reasons for acting how they act. They just do it because it’s their emotional reaction.

So they don’t have a reason. They can certainly project it as a reason, but it’s not.

It always fascinates me how someone can be so confident while being almost completely wrong

They should, but you know they won’t, not under the current system. XIV has a selection box. Might be part of the reason that kicks are so rare and damn near always because the person disconnected and never came back.

In a system where people can type “lol” “lmao” “bad” “ajddkjfjd” “took my gear” “from X server” “transmog”, it’s just inviting it.

We don’t hold it against you. It’s just a forum after all.

Good thing I wasn’t responding to you. Nevertheless, feel free to offer a rebuttal. I’m willing to listen.

5 posts on this character, all in this thread, all of them combative. I’d ask who your main is to verify my suspicions, but you wouldn’t tell us. Either way, you have made it perfectly clear that it’s not worth the effort.

You’ve deduced that from five posts? Color me impressed.

You explained why “no reason” is a reason in your own reply.

And let’s be honest. Most reasons are “afk” or “dc”, not emotional or troll nonsense. So this circular arguement is pretty pointless and non productive.

Tl;dr. “No reason” to you just means you don’t agree with the reasoning. Not “there was no reason”.

That’s not a reason. Reasons derive from reasonable. An emotional response by nature is not reasonable. It defies logic.

I’d argue that kickstarting a conversation with a pushes up glasses “Um, akshually” technicality is also reductive and pointless, but that’s how you set the tone for the conversation moving forward, so I just reciprocated. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Again, TO YOU.

Because you are continuing the nonsense of “no reason”.
Random gibberish could be the reason.
If 3 to 4 people vote “yes” to that reason.
It is the reason for the kick.

But again, because you refuse to acknowledge this, it will remain “no reason” simply because you disagree personally with said reason.

I didn’t continue anything. I made a comment and observation. You’re the one who initiated the conversation with me.

You’re right. I don’t like it. It’s a bad reason, so in my view, it’s no reason.

Now are you able to agree that kicking people for no reason is bad?

Toxicity is a player-created problem with a player-created solution, Blizzard won’t be able to fix it.

Vote kicks aren’t based on anything except one person pushing the prompt forward and the group collectively agreeing or disagreeing. The ‘reason’ doesn’t matter, only if the group agrees or disagrees with it.

Vote kicks aren’t the problem, petty players are the problem and there’s no way to ‘fix’ the problem without those players maturing. Just do your part and vote no on kicks you disagree with or yes for the kicks you agree with and just move on, don’t contribute to the problem by being the one pushing the prompt for a petty reason and just the universal rule of don’t be a jerk.

The back and forth about trying to quantify what counts as a reason is pointless because no reason is required.


Nope because “no reason” doesn’t exist.

I will however say I disagree with frivolous reasons.

Because this fallacy has cropped up multiple times in the thread and its tired.

Even yourself acknowledged the fallacy of “no reason”.

So you’re going to continue your semantics. Unfortunate.

Just had a god awful vault of the wardens run where one of the people kinda afk’d and came back, explained they were on the phone. They were lagging some, so I gather some coasting was going on but someone tried to kick them using some real colorful language (I’m talking early 2000s formulaic comedy for young adults) and they failed. Another member spoke up about the the kick attempts, and everyone (but me) denied it. At this point the run was basically done and we had a level 14 one shotting everything, so …

Anyway, as toxic as people claim M+ is, LFD man…scum and villainy.

What he’s getting at is they have a “reason”. When someone types “lol” then lol is their “reason”. Yes, it’s idiotic, as many are, but they’re still “within their rights”.

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