Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

Yea i cant be asked to sit here and roll the slots for long enough to get set of WF/TF only gear id literally go insane.

I’m determining my worth based on the wowlog community primarily, which is definitely competitive to say the least. Within my own guild, we have a few people who are absolutely as competitive as I am.

I remember back in legion I had the happy random chance of running with a guild that was top tier in their mythic clear right before new raid was released. Their whole guild was entirely my type of person. The entire time there was constant crap talking “OH OH Don’t let the outside ret beat you!” I went snooping and their guild was entirely 90th+ percentile people, with their absolute best clear having everyone at 96th+. It was my ideal community, but I just don’t have the desire or time to find a mythic guild, pay for server xfer, and try to push it.

Suffice to say, we do exist in high enough numbers to have the competition I’m after.

Oh, I thought you had made a statement that you hate people who weren’t competitive or something like that and if you have enough people to compete with I am not sure why you would feel so strongly about them (including your neighbour who probably doesn’t care about his lawn).

I only hate people who don’t favor self improvement. That doesn’t necessarily include non-competitive people. It just happens that a lot of the non-competitive people also don’t care to improve in most things, thinking mediocrity is fine. Those people also tend to want systems designed that encourage or at least reward their mediocrity. Like someone who expects a raise year over year for doing the same job.


Mediocrity is fine in a game.


Mediocrity is fine in absolutely nothing and should be shunned.


I am not the one unhappy with the game and still paying blizzard to play it though.


That’s like saying “I’m not the one upset with slaver and continuing to live in a country that allows slavery.”

Yes, it’s the way the game currently works. That doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it or accept it. There are varying levels of satisfaction to things. So long as I’m not 100% satisfied, I’ll voice that if given the opportunity. I really don’t mind arguing. It’s entertaining.


… seriously, you are wound up too tight if you feel this game is like slavery.


I did laugh at the comparison…


I don’t know why people hate Warforging and Titanforging other than they’re morons who don’t understand how math works. Like, and I get there are two kinds of upset. There is the kind of upset where, you’re like, ok you’re bothered by it cause on some level you just don’t agree with the outliers and imbalance it causes which I can respect and then there are the people who, take time out of their busy busy day from looking like street urchins, the type of people who you’d expect to see protesting outside an abortion clinic but are the generic ugly type of person the daily News would never have the heart to show on National television. You know, the kind of person who crusaders against something because they have all this time in their life to fill and can’t find a productive hobby like, say stamp collecting-have you seen the new Eleanor Roosevelt stamp, that woman had Class and ohhh they picked her best dress for that picture-but the kind of person who just feels the need to take a massive dump on everyone’s parade without even examining the facts first.

The worst I can say about warforge and titanforge is that it might need to be suppressed for the first 3 weeks of a tier until the race is predominantly over and, I’d be ok with any previous items which dropped, having the chance to warforge/titanforge after this period of time so you don’t feel like you missed out on as much by getting a piece during this period of time.

On the whole I think it does it’s job and does it well. Once I get all my loot off a boss I still have a reason to keep coming back and the best part is with the new loot system, my guild can’t steal it away from me in favor of their friend they’ve known for years.


I play a game for enjoyment and actual rewards, not to play the slot machine roulette carrot on a stick forever ride.

God your argument is so weak and you don’t see it at all. You even admit you farm endlessly for some dumb RNG proc on your gear.

you won’t take the time to watch this guy who has played WoW for 15 years and was a top level raider in the games hardest content explain it for you and why it is bad. I don’t blame you.

My comparison has nothing to do with slavery. It was entirely to show how the logic you provided is a failure. “I’m fine with it and this is how it works right now, so if you’re not, you should just quit!”

Nah. If I were actually more upset than happy at the game I obviously wouldn’t be here.

I do laugh at people complaining about RNG and World of Roulette.

We were clearing MC for well over a year to get pants in Vanilla. What’s the difference…


Basically you have nothing other than opinions and speculations. You also resort to name calling. I said subs have been plummeting for a long time now way before Titanforging was even a thought. Let me know when you have anything worth while to add.

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No one is saying vanilla with 2-3 pieces of loot dropping and 40 people in raid is the right choice or the best system wow has ever seen. I personally favor wrath. There was basically never a tier that ended where anyone in my guild still needed a piece from the raid. We all had what we wanted a few weeks before the next tier released.

Just long enough to let us have a completed set and get a few runs in, but not long enough for us to lose interest and unsub.

Know what I laugh at? People with bad arguments who indulge in red herrings.


Your memory ain’t that great, there were definately items we didn’t get to drop in Wrath before we moved on…


You were claiming the way you think about things should be the only way.

I was merely pointing out I am happy and you aren’t.

You brought slavery into this…


So basically play the way Chaaka says you should play or don’t play at all?
You do realize the game would be a ghost town in short order if that actually happened, right?
We have always had some alternate source of gear beyond questing. Justice/Valor/Honor/Conquest/Badges/PvP Rank/World Bosses.
Most of these could be earned via queue’d content or easily pug’d content and rewarded raid level gear. They stripped out most of these systems and moved the alternate gear sources to Emisarry/Warfront/World Bosses.


But I will take time to listen to the guy who literally helped design the old systems and said they are bad