Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

Yes, that is how it should be. What other path is there? Hit max level -> do solo content -> heroic raiding? Is that better?


Wow, you are so hung up that raiding is the THING that you canā€™t even think of an example without it.

Thatā€™s not how it has been for a loooooong time.

Progression is now hit 120, do catch up stuff to get to the level of current content quickly, do current content. No one hits 120, goes through normals, goes through heroics, goes into Uldir normal, goes into Uldir heroic, and then they finally receive a thumbs up to go into BD normal. Everything prior to current content gets glossed over once someone hits level cap. Welcome to the last decade of WoW!

Because there are a lot of interrelated issues that all work together to make casual content potentially equal to organized group content in terms of rewards.

my new forum hero for a blue. You actually stuck top guns. :smile:

Correct! And looking at the player base of WoW, it doesnā€™t seem to be working out very well.

You can click the icon in the upper right to jump to the post Iā€™m replying to.

Are you sockpuppeting because I responded to another poster there ?

This one, if you reply to someone right after they post this stupid forum wonā€™t show the reply indicator.

Uh my notification said you responded to me lol. My mistake if it was meant for someone else!

You seem to the one who is having the problem with my post. I have my valid points as well as others. I donā€™t do the the BFA dungeons because I knew back in April and May during Beta I didnā€™t like them- they are too twisty and cluster phobic for my liking. Instead of ranting over my needs I just carried on and removed them from my enjoyment list. Again why someone would AFK after paying a monthly fee is done right asinine. LYAOff if it pleases you . You fall into the category of someone who must find fault to feel better about themselves.

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I could, but Iā€™m not going to waste my time doing so. Nothing you wrote had anything to do with the content of any of my posts. It was just an attempt to insult me. Hell, you havenā€™t even responded to my post wherein I responded to the content of your post and didnā€™t attempt a character attack. When you have something substantive to add Iā€™ll be here.

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Yeah, but the catch up mechanics are weak. In the past, the catch up mechanics were crafted gear made from raid materials, so the guild as a whole caught you up, or joining an alt run or carrying you, so the guild as a whole caught you up, or running dungeons, which ā€” wait, no, thatā€™s still something that requires you to make a group, if youā€™re talking about M+ or pre-LFG badges.

The catch up mechanics now are good enough that even people who have stayed current with content can do them for upgrades.

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See? You just did it again.

First, context, it was a specific response to someone claiming progression worked differently than that. Thanks for agreeing with me though that Azreluna is wrong though :slight_smile:

Second, any data you have the supports the idea that the progression system in the game is the reason for the loss of subs Iā€™m sure Blizzard would be happy to review it. You just point at it because itā€™s something you personally donā€™t like. Thatā€™s nothing more or less than confirmation bias in action.

I agree, the max catch up should have been like 360 ilvl. That easily gets you ready for LFR and M0 then you can go the normal progression route from there without skipping tiers.

I think the progression system has been bad since late Wrath lol. But no, obviously itā€™s not the sole reason and neither is Titanforging. TBH class design is the worst thing in the game currently. But if you add all of these negatives together itā€™s easy to see why people donā€™t want to play.

Timeless Isle? Broken Shore? Argus? Hell, honor gear farm in vanilla? We can go all the way back to classic and I can cite examples of people being able to solo gear to the level of current content through various means. Some expansions had more opportunities than others, sure. And yes, catch up is more frequent today. Itā€™s also, at least partly, because they decided that the ilvl gap from the same difficulty of one tier of content to the next had to be 30 ilvl and that necessitates catch up between each tier now, whereas in the past it wasnā€™t that high of a difference. Thatā€™s not something I agree is a good thing personally but thatā€™s just my opinion. Iā€™m not parading around claiming the sky is falling because I donā€™t like that one design decision either like you guys are.

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Actually, Avalon, nothing youā€™ve said has disproved my point. Thanks for agreeing with me that the system is broken! Iā€™ll just be sitting over here being correct until you decide to say something relevant.

Hey, thanks for agreeing with me! Just goes to show you Iā€™m right!

The people that are leaving the game arenā€™t leaving because of forging. If they were Blizzard would very quickly change it. The same can be said about progression. I donā€™t disagree with you about class design not being as good as it was (in particular I liked class design in early Wrath personally). I do think the recent news about their developer budget increasing is a good sign. You donā€™t need to increase a budget by 20+% for development so you can tweak forging numbers. You do that so you can create more content or have more developers focused on class design. Thatā€™s a separate discussion though we wonā€™t actually see the impact of that until probably closer to the next expansion.