Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

You have been luckier than me I guess. I do the same content without any mythic plus dungeons (generally) and my characters aren’t that high.

Yes, I know but that doesn’t have any to do with what I responded to, your statement was the progression path is gone. You still have your progression path in raiding and titanforging really has absolutely no bearing on that.

Before what they used to do is nerf the raids near the end of the tier so people could make more progress, titanforging gained through playing does the same thing.

Yeah, possible, the toon that has the highest ilvl that is an alt ended up being a tank alt of mine that I helped guildies do M0’s on the week of the dungeon quest. He’s the one I got a 395 trinket out of a M0 on and I got pretty lucky on coining the darkshore world boss for double 400’s, not counting the warfront 400. I think it’s pretty easy right now to get to 385 just by playing ~30 mins a day for a month if you can time that to catch the invasions and upwards of low 390’s if you get lucky with loot. But there isn’t anyone who’s doing that that’s sitting at 400 which is heroic ilvl. It’s just not happening. It takes more, either running M+ or actually doing some raiding of heroic or higher, contrary to a lot of the claims made in this thread.

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Like I don’t care what the “path” is. If world quests are harder than Mythic raids then world quests should give the best gear. That’s what I was saying. The path is irrelevant as long as the effort = rewards.

Nerfing bosses at the end of tiers or giving buffs like they did in ICC and other raids are not the same as Titanforging. One is completely random and very different for every raid group, the other is set and the exact same for every raid group.


Your issue isn’t with titanforging. Your issue is with the idea someone who goes and does boring content and plays 20 hours a week can get close to your the same ilvl you get by playing less than 10. And that isn’t even possible when you look at the average overall - just the individual pieces.

Yes titanforging is a better way of allowing progress than nerfing the raid precisely because it rewards the people who put in the time instead of the group that doesn’t.

Orctang, you’re not really trying to have any sort of discussion, are you?

I’ve said in this thread that I don’t care what gear anyone else has. You could have all 425 socketed avoidance gear and you wouldn’t magically start mythic raiding. You’d sill be doing warfronts and world quests. I care about how it affects me, my group and the content we are progressing through.

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But it doesn’t affect you. Just literally ignore what other people have and you can continue on your merry little way.

Why should they answer that when that poster is bouncing all over with their issues, most of it isn’t even on topic.

So if we have 2 raid teams that raid equal hours. Team 1 has 20 titanforge pieces in their group, and team 2 has 0. How is that a system that rewards groups equally?

So you fundamentally misunderstand the method Blizzard has been using as progression then.

Each tier is a reset. That reset means everyone who did zero content previously can easily catch up to the level of current content. Then, after that, over time people can do a myriad of content and progress more based upon what they do. If you progress through normal every week and do all solo content available you’re going to be ahead of someone who doesn’t raid. And so on up the chain to mythic raiding. They’ve also added in M+ and pvp options for progression. It’s not about effort. It’s about time investment. It’s always been about time investment. This is a game, not work, not a job, it doesn’t take effort to play a game, nothing is an actual achievement. It’s all about whether one chooses to dedicate the amount of necessary time, both in session length and total playtime, and focus or not. Those who do get ahead of the curve. Those who don’t stay with the curve.

But the curve is always moving. So to stay ahead of the curve you need to invest more or people will catch up to you. It’s exactly like Azerite power progression. If I hit 120 on a new toon (say my rogue, who’s now 118), when I do I can do a few Champions quests or other big AP rewarding things and with almost no effort easily hit 20 on my neck. Something that took me a weeks to do on my first toon I leveled this expansion. Because the power curve is always moving. And if someone is playing they’re moving with the curve. And when the new tier comes out all your “effort” from the previous tier is meaningless because the curve gets boosted and everyone gets pushed to the new level of things. You can accept that’s how it is and how it has been for quite a while now or not, your choice. But this game is never, ever going back to what it was in BC. If you want that game experience maybe Classic will do it for you. But WoW retail isn’t ever going to be that again.


On the contrary in something like WoD it was very obvious who raided in BRF and who didn’t. Blizz has since decided that everyone that puts time in deserves a participation trophey of free gear for doing trivial tasks slightly faster. That 410 weapon from darkshore is going to let timmy kill his 10 raptors a little bit faster.

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Show me an example. That just doesn’t happen if they raid equal hours.

I’m just saying, it’s never the same for any 2 groups. Throw sockets in there too and the randomness is just too much.

There isn’t an actual example. Turn is arguing about hypotheticals, not reality. Well, let me rephrase. Turn is arguing every possible angle that they can until people shut down fallacious lines of attack, at which point Turn shifts goalposts or backpedals and switches to another fallacious line of attack. And so on and so on and so on…

No it isn’t. The difference between those two groups if they raid equal hours would be insignificant.

Yeah I’m obviously not going to spend a day going through logs to find exapmles. But if we took the luckiest guild that raids 2 days a week and the most unlucky guild that raids 2 days, there would be a large disparity. That’s how statistics work.

Are all if your posts just supposed to be about how you’re a better person than everyone else?

Man, talk about not relevant.

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Yes I know they didn’t have an example, that situation they stated is almost impossible to happen. I don’t mind hypotheticals but at least make them realistic.

Like let’s say the titanforge chance is 5%. Some guilds will get titanforges 1% of the time and some will get them 9% of the time. That’s a pretty big difference.

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Maybe you’re confusing me for the guy who explicitly stated that he considered himself more valuable than other people based upon his ilvl and performance, that he was competitive about everything in real life and cited his lawn as an example. He’s someone who was in favor of removing forging. Since you didn’t actually quote anything I have no idea what you’re rambling about. I’ve made no claim even remotely close to equivocating to “I’m better than you” to anyone here.

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