In other words you set yourself an unreachable goal post and are complaining you can’t reach it .
That was in response to someone else. But yeah, back in the day it was fun to get BiS raid gear. It was a nice achievable goal that you could slowly work towards. Unfortunately Blizzard wants to replace goal setting with randomness, so yeah, it is not achieveable anymore.
Because people like getting together as a guild a couple of times a week to do a raid. Normal is a social mode, intended for family and friends to enjoy themselves.
I didn’t know this but there is a plus 11 showing on there completed just on Feb 9, 2019.
That’s called shifting the goalpost. Unfortunately for you it’s a goalpost Blizzard has already addressed. They explicitly stated they released the catchup content and the raids at a bad time, they should have been released together. They weren’t. People who farmed normal for 4 weeks and all other available content should have a slight leg up on people who do only solo world content. Just as heroic should have leg up on normal and mythic should have a leg up on heroic. And right now the only part of that that’s a little off is the lower end of the spectrum. If you’re a heroic or mythic raider and you’re complaining, the problem is you not the game.
Don’t you think that puts normal raiding in a bad spot? Like if you want to see the story you can do LFR which doesn’t allow you to fail. If you want the gear you can just do easier world content which some is afk-able. If you want to be social, you can do that in discord without paying $15 a month.
And what makes you think you’re in a position to judge or criticize how people choose to spend their free time or money? Such a toilet attitude you have there.
They said this in response to the end of Uldir. There are no catch up mechanics in the game for BoD currently. If you’re 390+ right now that isn’t because of any catch ups.
No normal isn’t in a bad spot. Social guilds still do normal.
You realize not everyone is like you. Being afk-able isn’t something a lot of people ever do let alone think of as being desirable.
Plus gearing up in world content takes a lot more play time than hopping into the game twice a week for 4 hours.
Invasions, darkshore, emissary ilvl scaling increased to 385. These were all done as of 8.1 on Dec 19 that was the BD campaign expansion patch. The raid didn’t unlock until Jan 22nd, which they explicitly told us they did because of the holiday. They also told us the new content was intended to serve as a catch up mechanism. You’re clearly not ignorant of these things, so again, you’re just being deceitful.
Spoken like a true socialist.
Go watch the interview again. The question was about giving mythic quality gear for trivial content. Uldir mythic is 385 gear, BoD mythic is 415 gear. It was always intended that these items would be this item level when BoD was out. The raid release like you said was delayed for the holidays.
Which is my point. Why give Heroic raid gear for doing unlosable content? Also by doing this trivial content you completely skip past Normal BoD in terms of gear.
One guaranteed 400 ilvl item every ~2 weeks that every single person can do that can be the same slot you’ve already gotten doesn’t equivocate to trivializing normal BD gear. Try again!
Edit: You’re deflecting onto things that are completely irrelevant. You claimed that there wasn’t any catch up implemented. You’re a liar. Emissary rewards increased. Normal, heroic, and mythic dungeon ilvl increased. Hell, heroic dungeons were bumped to 355, the same ilvl as Uldir normal. M0’s were increased to 370. Darkshore came out and was 385 ilvl for the warfront and world boss until Jan 22 at which point it was increased to 400. These are all massive catchups. You’re wrong. Stop sticking your foot in your mouth, backpedalling, and whatabouting.
Wait but you just said that a non raider who stays up to date should be 390+ by now. Normal BoD drops 385 gear. Wouldn’t these people skip past it in terms of gear?
To answer your last irrelevant question. Yes. After 8 weeks of farming catch up content people can be at an appropriate ilvl to skip normal and go to heroic. Do you think that that makes your case? It makes you look silly. Who cares after 2 months lol?
Edit: And again, Ion already stated releasing the raid and the catchup at different times was a bad decision in hindsight. People had a month headstart on farming the catchup before normal even released. Had they released at the same time those people who do world/solo queueable content wouldn’t be ~390ish for another month. Which just makes your position look even more stupid than it already is.
I care, my guild is totally not ready for Heroic but our GM has decided we’re going to skip the last 4 bosses on Normal because even our grey parsers outgear it thanks to TFs from +6s and emissaries/warfronts. I’m not really looking forward to wiping for ages on content we’re not prepared for just because the game has fooled our guild into thinking they’re ready to move to the next step thanks to ilevel inflation.
So, I know 2 people who clear the map, every single WQ, every day. Not a single one of them, nor me who does them moderately, has EVER seen a 410 from a WQ, I think you are way out of line with your exaggeration there. Even from an emissary, which I believe is capped at 385 base, that is still assuming a 25 item level titanforge, have you seen this in the wild?
So leave and join a guild more your pace. That’s a you issue, not a game issue.
Ghuun isn’t really a good example of this. The boss dropped the worst items in the entire raid no question, it’s not that people didn’t need 395s from him. If people killed him with 6 or so 395s already equipped then they were just extremely lucky. They didn’t need gear because the gear he dropped, maybe even at 395, was not good for them in the first place.
But ya I don’t really see this as a realistic possibility. To get 25 item level titanforges in every viable slot for most of your raid team BEFORE you kill the boss on the next difficulty…?
That’s just not something that’s going to happen.
Not from a WQ, but our BM Hunter got a 415 trinket from normal Jadefire Masters, which is 385 base. I don’t really want to call anyone out, but I can link his armory if people don’t believe me. +30 item levels. Does it make it better because it was at least from a normal raid instead of a faceroll emissary? Who knows.
The average raid tier lasts 4-6 months. Even if the raid had been released with the patch it’s still wouldn’t be half over and people overgear content they’ve never done. You don’t think it’s a problem, but it is. People think the game isn’t rewarding or fulfilling anymore, this is one reason why.