Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

You’re brave or bored I’m guessing. Turn is now going to explain to you why your opinion is wrong. Wait for it… lol

I am not really interested in going into a back and forth with you on this - been there done that, you are like talking to a brick wall. However, I will explain how this works in BfA.

The current system of gearing for non raiders is already boring, it would be far more boring without titanforging, without that possibility of getting a really nice piece of gear from doing boring content.

World content gearing consists of doing emissaries and assaults and warfronts, if you can’t understand why that would get boring after awhile, I can only assume you either haven’t done those or you afk in those.


I don’t think anyone’s opinion is wrong. I may disagree but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I’m just curious and bored honestly. It is baffling to me that people favor completely random rewards over rewards that are effort based. It’s a very lootbox mentality, but I guess some people have to like it since every game has em now.

I understand, thanks for the response. To me it sounds like the non raiding content is the problem and Titanforging is a band-aid solution to try to spice up some poorly designed content.

Instead of band-aiding wouldn’t it be better if they made gearing for non raiders more rewarding and fulfilling so they wouldn’t need to have Titanforging?

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Sure it’s boring, but why should easy content be rewarded with high titanforges? You aren’t progressing anything, your’re doing the same thing and not doing other content that actually requires that higher ilevel gear.

Take for example getting decent titanforges on normal mode raiding… this has happened btw to most of our raid… it invalidates heroic mode gear… as you’re doing a harder boss, but the rewards are not as good as the random forges you picked up. It leads to annoyance and a ‘why are we doing this’ scenario.

Sure it might not apply to people who don’t do anything other than warfronts and world quests, but it inflates your ilevel for doing trivial stuff… now if there were super hard solo wqs such as the mage tower for that gear I wouldn’t mind as much as rewards would be given for the effort… but the point remains… gear should be a reflection of the content you do. Not random.


The gearing process is a combination of effort and RNG though. World content you know what you are getting for a whole lot of it. I think it is a nice balance.

I have already gone on record if they actually spent more money on world content and less on raiding they could make world content less boring and yes they wouldn’t need titanforging to give people a reason to keep doing that content and keep giving them money. But that would mean less money for raids and dungeons.

Why ? You seriously can’t understand why. Blizzard wants our money. Remove titanforging and there is less reason to keep paying blizzard - less of our money means less money for your raids and dungeons. Do you really want to go there ??? You can’t have it all.

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I said high titanforges. I would be fine if warforge was 5 ilevels and titanforge was 10… would bridge the gap to the next set of ilevels… which I will add Mythic + covers just nicely.

Well, ActiBlizz is getting 20% more devs. We can only hope that some of those go to WoW. I do love raiding but I would like to see some spicy non raid content as well.

Yes well for that I wouldn’t be interested. That isn’t high enough for me. Blizzard has had years and years of experience with this and they said people just aren’t interested in the 5s and 10s ilvls, it just isn’t significant enough to them and they were talking about raiders.

I think people doing world content have even less tolerance for small ilvl upgrades.

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And what makes you think they couldn’t make harder world content for higher ilevel which leads to higher forges? Or is that beyond your understanding? Or are you satisfied at doing trivial content and invalidate all the harder stuff? If that is the case, why not mail everyone the highest level gear on login each patch? Because that is the way the game is going.

I’m ok with gear upgrades, but Titanforging just feels lazy. Like why not have upgrades tied to professions, currency, quest lines or challenges? Making everything random just seems like they aren’t even trying.

I suspect this would be very hard to do though as well. Group content has to be easy enough for everyone so that leaves world content. I personally hate the long storylines and there already is plenty of those. World quests remain and I would like to see some MoP type of dailies as well as the current WQ.

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What makes you think people just doing world content WANT harder world content. I sure don’t, if I want more challenging content I would be doing mythic plus and raiding.

So nah, harder world content is just a suggestion so YOU have more content at the expense of others.

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So why should you have the opportunity to get rewards that can titanforge to better than heroic level raiding then for doing trivial content than can be done in last tier’s heroic dungeon gear?


I already told you - I am not going to go in circles with you. You want your raids funded, you let people like me have something nice as well.

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The better question is: Why would someone do difficult content when they can do easy content for the same rewards?

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Because it is less boring ? Because you like raiding ?

You guys are proof there already is reasons for doing harder content or else you literally just wouldn’t be.

Here you go Waraila - this is my feral who hasn’t stepped foot into a raid the expansion other than a tiny bit of LFR. And you know what, I think I have one tiny piece of warforged gear on there and one titanforge - the bracers. ilvl 386 compared to your ilvl 383

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My guild has gone through 63 raiders since the start of Uldir to keep a raid team of 23-24 people. Obviously some didn’t think it was rewarding enough to stick around.

Not really, as Turn pointed out, why do harder content when you can get the same reward for doing trivial stuff? It’s why raiding is dying off and once raiding dies, there goes any reason for professions. Why do you need professions ? Only raiders really use the stuff that comes out of them.

Raiding fuels the economy of wow… once people stop raiding they get bored and quit as there’s nothing more boring than to grind trivial stuff for the best in slot gear.