Titanforging and Warforging make me upset

This entire thread is filled with constructive feedback. Asking if that feedback will be used to make change is a question you have to ask when the conversation has been going on for 4 years.

more of same thing going back in forth for 2100+ comments

Yes, constructive feedback was given, and received by the devs.

Alas, until they change the reward structure OR state their opinion, it means that the devs don’t agree with you.

And since you continue buying and paying for the game, it means you are ok with it.


This is a perfect illustration of how 4 problems all come together to create an unfun game experience.

  1. Random sockets
  2. The power level of sockets
  3. Titanforging
  4. Lack of Mater Loot / Inability to trade an item regardless of what you currently have

Imo all of these need to get removed or reworked or else this problem will persist, but honestly TF is the least egregious one here. If sockets are either made standard or reduced in power level then that 5 ilvl boost might out weight the socket depending on what the item is, and if you have master loot back or the ability to trade an item no matter what you currently have then if you get this item that is an ilvl upgrade but not actually a 5 upgrade for your character then you can give it to someone whom it will benefit.

Sockets are set, TF/WF removed. Heck I was okay with having the upgrade system even though it was a pain when I got an item mid raid, but it was no different then a socket or something that required an enchant. Just the way it is. And if they designed the system to remove that hassle, then they’re trying to hard.

this is very rich comming from a group of designers and developers who say things like “you think you do but you don’t” and even today still have this mindset of “I know better than you” with almost every single complained aspect of the game, including but not limited to TF/WF, PvP Vendors and Flying.

Hey, I get that it’s easy to get cynical. I’m sure I’ve done the same. But having played the game for 15 years, I can tell you the devs listen.

Granted, my faith in the company is a little shaken after seeing them fire a bunch of non-devs to replace them with devs. That was, one, a dick thing to do after coming off a year with… what was it, record profits? and two, completely tone-deaf given the gaming industry in general, and industry in general in general. The cynical among us are convinced Activision wants Blizzard to just keep pumping out games for a quick buck; large corporations are all about following the money, whereas old school Blizzard (and most development shops, before they’re bought out) was about developers following their dreams. But I digress.

Let’s assume for the moment that the people left at Blizzard still want WoW to be a great game. I could give you examples from the past of when they’ve listened to people on the forums, but I’d be reaching way back, and I’m not sure you’d remember.

This isn’t something they’re going to fix or change next week. Probably not even next patch. At best, and I’m not optimistic for this scenario, any changes to loot will probably come out the raid tier after the two-boss raid that’s coming down the pipeline. What is that, 8.2, I guess?

More realistically, it’s going to be an expansion before fundamental changes take place. It’ll be 9.0 before we see non-Personal Loot make its return to guild raids. I would expect 9.0 to be the point at which we see catch-up mechanics finally get fixed, war/titanforging get capped, and Blizzard finally admit to the idea that organized group content should reward higher item level — without exception — than solo or pick-up content.

On the other hand, I think we’ve made some good arguments. If we haven’t, maybe one of us should go to BlizzCon. But I think it’ll happen.

But sometimes they’re right, and sometimes you’re not arguing against the devs, you’re arguing against other players. For example, flying.

When they introduced Flying in Legion, it made the Kirin Tor quests where you fly through the air pretty stupid. And it made the murloc PVP world quest pretty stupid, too, because nobody in their right mind was going to stay on the ground when they could just hover and wait for murlocs to spawn.

And what advantages did flying in Legion give us? Well, not much, really. There were already so many flight points that adding in flying wasn’t all that interesting.

If they don’t introduce flying at all this expansion, I’m okay with that.

thats a very baseless argument.
the only basic argument is that they designed these 2 WQs you mentioned wrong, and not that “oh noes flying ruined them”.
The argument against flying is borderline stupid, you can always reply to it with a “don’t like it, don’t do it”.
Cataclysm leveling, probably the last thing designed before activision took hold, was made with flying on its mind from day 1, and it was still the best leveling experience that I have had in the game.

Sure, there are people who aren’t very intelligent (like the self entitled “anti-flying” people), but those are a very small minority. A vocal one? Sure, but a minority.

You know, I can take any reason you give as to why flying should be in the game and call it baseless and stupid too.

I have a dragon, it has wings and knows how to fly.

The goal is never to be perfect it’s to get as strong as possible. Idk bout u but when I go do my gains I don’t expect to ever get to point where I can’t get better for a few months cause I hit an absolute peak

If you count the people that lost interest in the game and left because of how badly designed it currently is (and how worse its design becomes the more time passes), the number of people who agree with current Blizzard’s standings on TF/WF, PvP Vendors and Flying would drop to somewhere below 0.1% of the playerbase.

Hell, even right now the people who post(troll?) that they are in favor of WF/TF, not having PvP vendors and not having flying are probably far below 1% of the player base, and those people wouldn’t quit the game if we suddenly had better design.

This is a situation where Blizzard can’t win by cattering to these players. Hell, most of Blizzard’s decisions of being Anti-MMORPG so that they’re “favoring a broader audience” have backfired multiple times already.
If they want to bring players back, they need to step it up on the Design department.

Now do the numbers for any one of those and I guarantee they’re > 0.1%.

I wouldn’t mind this because I know that those roles will get flipped and reversed. And in the end it doesn’t even matter, because we will have made the same amount of money in the long run

You, probably two or three spamming forum trolls whose objective is to mindlessly defend Blizzard’s horrible actions in hopes that somehow people become satisfied with trash rather than demanding better services for their money spent… yeah, thats below 0.1% for sure.


This may seem counterintuitive, but I like sockets and their power especially given that it keeps JC as a profession relevant. I also find it fun to know that the piece of gear is powerful because of the socket, it makes me want to put a gem in it. It also feels good to be able to make a choice between stats on which one I want to prioritize for my gear and knowing it provides a ~0.5% boost to any one of my stats. Having them be random and based on titanforging creates that relative ilvl power difference though which sucks, so personally I’d prefer them to be part of the base item.

One thing you didn’t include that I want to touch on is secondary stats - They have so much potential to be great, but the randomness of them sullies it. I really like leech, especially as a healer. 1% leech is a 1% increase to my HPS which feels incredibly strong and in terms of stat weights is 2x more valuable than intellect. This is perfect because the stat isn’t abundant, and as an example of where it feels most rewarding - azerite gear that has the leech trait always get me excited to unlock that node. What sucks is getting frustrated by having it be applied randomly on gear I dont want or need as determined by RNG. Instead, it could be an impactful choice like which gem you put in a socket. In terms relative strength it can be just as valuable as a socket so why which secondary stat is applied not a decision we can make as a player through professions or an unlock in gear? Personally I’d like secondary stats on non-azerite gear to be a system that requires unlocking or a profession based item to apply secondary stats.

You might want to go re-read the comments I’ve made in this thread, because I think you’re assuming my position on issues that aren’t actually correct.

I’m fine with a lack of flying.
I don’t really care about PVP vendors. I haven’t seriously PVPed in several expansions, so I don’t even know what the issue is.
If WF/TF isn’t outright removed, it needs to be greatly toned down.

So do I agree with Blizzard on all three issues you posted? No. But I agree with them on one of them. That was my point. Give it up with the victim complex and calling people trolls just for disagreeing with you.


Nah, not in everything, only in these particular things.
There is no excuse to Blizzard damaging their own game by removing players ability to do something they already do.

My Dragon has wings, there is no roleplaying element that prevents it from flying in Zandalar. Hell, even the Dinossaurs you get from Zandalar itself suddenly forget how to fly the second you ride them. its stupid, straight up.

The only reason pathfinder exists is to artificially “create content” for the game.

Here I am flying on a Hundred-year-old super speed dragon, I get into a portal to an island a few kms away from where I am, and suddenly my mega dragon forgets how to fly and drowns on a puddle of water.

Everyone, like you, who say they don’t care about flying or not, or even that you’re ok with not flying, wouldn’t quit the game over suddenly being able to fly.
Some people quit the game over not being able to.

This is the exact same argument for TF/WF. it damages the game’s existence in order to generate artificial content (rerunning low ilvl sht in hopes of TF). It damages the core aspects of gameplay beyond repair and needs to go.


Majority of players left in this game are MMORPG players IMO and they will never, never accept warforge/titanforge system.

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