Tired Of the New Expansion Formula

there’s nothing exciting or boring about the number of zones or dungeons. They’re just numbers. It’s the quality of each zone that matters. Are you suggesting that 5 or 3 zones would be fundamentally more exciting. That if you just took a pencil and drew an imaginary line around a section of Waking Shores and Ohnaran plains and make it a 5th zone, the game is suddenly better?
It simply doesn’t matter.
Karazhan feels special because you have fond memories of doing it when you were younger, not because TBC had 7 zones instead of 4.

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Look at the OP’s name.

They’re one of those people who thought “warthin” was funny.

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name the expansion that added 16 dungeons at launch please.

The expansion formula is fine, but I’ve grown tired of dragons and the power of friendship. The next expansion is spiders and the power of friendship.

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This made me laugh.

Sounds like a terrible idea. As it stands today, one player is paying almost 400 bucks over the course of an expansion to play the game…why do they need even more money?

Big zones filled with nothing to see. How interesting, how bold…
Every single zone in the old world has interesting stories to find outside of maybe what 2 or 3? Its been awhile since I did Loremaster and haven’t really done old world leveling on horde, so I can’t comment to much on that side of the story but from alliance pov…I was enthralled by the game back in the day. Now a days, I can’t be bothered time to even read the quest text unless it seems interesting because its just bland most of the time IMO.


have you tried opening your eyes?


One of the complaints is that the new zones have too much going on. And they arent spread out and boring like classic zones.

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From tropical Tanaris, wish you were here

It certainly would be more interesting to hear that than “alright guys here’s the same crap salad serving of 4 zones/8 dungeons that we’ve been serving you since Shadowlands.”

Then make it 7 zones. I started in BC and there were 7

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You misunderstood what I said. They would not increase their money, beyond providing a more diverse set of products to appeal to more customers. That same monthly fee you pay for WoW and WoW classic, should have included a more targeted M+ experience. And I think D4 was the way to do that.