Tired of Guild Shopping? (H)<Grievance>Thrall

It is now only 8 days until Shadowlands, and it is creeping up on us fast. We plan to hit the ground running as long as we aren’t in Turkey Comas that week! If you are looking for a guild home for Shadowlands and beyond, come check us out!

Would you consider a Brewmaster Monk? I tanked my guild’s BfD and EP when we cleared those. I stepped away from BFA when Classic came out, but I’d like to return for SL. BattleTag is Punch#11194

As far as progression goes, our tanks there are fairly set. We do need tanks for alt night raid and of course dps. We are, however, much more than a raiding guild. Hope you come check us out.

Shadowlands is well underway and we are having a great time consuming the new content. We hope to have you all come check us out soon!

Shadowlands has certainly made some great improvements to the WoW formula and as result we have been busier than ever. Many groups forming every day for dungeons, torghast, questing, and a number of alts being leveled as well. We have been making some great strides in Heroic Nathria content with both teams just a couple bosses away from AOTC. We hope for you come and check us out!

Shadowlands has been keeping us busy. We recently knocked out AOTC for both of our raid teams. Some of us have been taking care of business in M+ and finished up KSM, with more to follow. We’re still running through Torghast, questing, dungeonning, and alt-ing around as well. Come join us!