<Tired> (7/9H 9/9N) Only 6 HOURS WK! LFM

7/8 who wants in?

Recruiting for Daz

Come play with us. We’re hip. We’re fun.

383/379 equipped Prot Warrior
8/8 N Uldir
8/8 H Uldir
3/8 M Uldir
Level 33 Azerite Necklace
Protection Warrior LF Heroic/Mythic raiding guild
Can provide logs as needed
Btag : Darkreven #1325

-Also play Blood DK, DH, Pally and G Druid

-Availability is any time after 4:30 PM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday, with Tuesday and Friday being limited to early morning or after 9 PM ST/EST

Looking for guilds that have at least completed my level of progression thus far in BFA

Merry christmas

bumpledor is dumbledor

laaaaast chriiiistmas, I gave you my heeeart. Wham!

pepsi is better than coke. change my mind.

Looking for raids for BoD

Would like to chat if you’re interested in a group of 8-9. krakenjack#1469

any need for a MW? if so my btag is briixxloveee#1363 I took a bit of a break and now I’m looking for next tier.

Looking for players!

To the top

mmmmmm fresh apps smell so goo in the morning.

2019 inbound

what is it about parm cheese that is so delicious?

need more for BD

dazar a lot a lor soon.

Priest spot needed

bump for peruvian pan flute covers of metal songs