Tips to get over Tanking nerves

I would say do stuff with people you know. Most people are completely decent but you can run into the bad apples every now and then. Most important thing is to have fun! Good luck in your journies!

Is there a site like this for raid routes?

what the OP is saying why I stopped tanking and really . But when I jump in and out of expansions this is what I do to see how people are running them. I also watch you tube to get an idea of what is going on. Ever since Mythics were released you definitely see that mindset of pull pull pull in any run even in normals.

Just remember that not all criticism is valid. You have to consider the source and how they’re treating you. Nobody else pays your sub. Do what you think is best, and take advice that actually turns out to be good. At the end of the day, you have a role, and all you have to do is play it.

If I was a tank, the stress would be too much for me and I would prolly go nuts and run through dungeons pulling everything I can along the way.

I see what you did there.

I always find it helpful to learn the dungeons as a DPS, get familiar with the route, then jump into tanking. Repetition is your friend; I tank dungeons over and over until I have them memorized, pulling different sets of mobs each time to help perfect my percentage, or see what feels easier.

There are always weekly routes you can look up, and if you are not YET confident with a dungeon, ask your group for tips/tricks and advice. People are generally pretty helpful, if given the opportunity!

Otherwise, tanking is mostly about confidence, so the more you know in the dungeons, the better your tanking will be. :slight_smile:

If you’re looking for a friendly guild, feel free to message me. I’m in an AotC guild with Saturday night normal fun runs. Couple M+ runners, but we’re fairly social, and have held several guild meetups IRL. Raid Tues/Thurs 8:30-11pm EST, NA Turalyon, primarily horde but a few alliance toons. Synthesize#1822

The best advice would be to join a guild that will take some of that pressure and expectation off of you.

If you cannot find a guild, then you have to treat it like learning to drive; you are going to piss people off in traffic, but so what? They are in their car. They are going to honk and flip you off, and hopefully you will learn something from it.

cry more kiddo

It seemed more like an observation.

“I’m not the weatherman, look it up on your phone” vibes.

This is why I quit tanking for pugs. I hate when people do this. It causes a lot of stress for me because I’m trying to “fix” what they did. When you ask them not to do this, they call you all sorts of names and 9/10 times just go out of their way to be even bigger jerks.

The best advice I can think of is to completely ignore those people
or keep trying to find a guild to tank with/for. That is what I did. Your anxiety, I’m sure, will go away and you’ll start to shrug it off and carry on with life. I would have been the same way, but then I thought, “I don’t want to play with these people, they’re awful.”

This probably doesn’t help you at all :dracthyr_lulmao:

ima be real i dont even know what this is about