Tips to get over Tanking nerves

Why are you lying?

There is a radical difference between everything you learn throughout your childhood and how to tank in a video game the first is life skills that need to be taught to you at a young age over many many years and the second is how to play a game its not even a comparison lol.

You shouldnt use comparisons that are compete stretches.

I dont get this you say you think that then say its a fact when saying what you think implies that thats your opinion not sure what your trying to say here bud.

Regardless it doesnt change the fact that googling would just be a faster and easier way for him to get the info he wants theres no argument to be had about it.

Considering you derailed the thread by attacking me its good to see you apologize.

…and likely better advice, lol.

Good Lord, No one attacked you… You gave out poor advice and got called for it. “just google it” is never good advice especially if you are asking directly from the community for advice.


Definiitely agree with this for the most part.
If the tank is watching his healer, the run should go just fine…even if DPS is doing something stupid…or accidental.

Could just tank and ignore what everyone else thinks, that’s what I do. People getting angry because you are ruining their gametime? Oh well, better luck next time lol.

Except im not giving out poor advice lol thats just your opinion.

Its better to get advice from 1 top player than to get advice from 15 players where the information will likely conflict with one another

I had a tank blame my pet for pulling a room a long long while back.
I wasnt running a pet, lol.
You will have to get used to someone in the group blaming you for stuff they did…or didnt do…or going to fast…or too slow…or taking a turn they disagree with…or pulling before they were ready…etc etc etc.

As Vhx said, watch your healer.
If hes doing good, pull harder…if hes struggling, back off…and if DPS gets out of line, vote kick them. You’ll feel better lol

you are a team and if a dps pulls for you, remember that “you spank it, you tank it”.

once he dies 2-3 times he will either learn, rage, or leave. if he rages, make sure to troll him back. Kinda make him look like a loser in front of the rest of the group. High school level stuff.

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Just go zug zug, and don’t listen to chat. I believe in you.

In terms of learning for me the best thing was to have a group that encouraged me to pull as big as possible, but supportive when it didn’t work out.

Can rarely find this with PuGs (which love it when you succeed but you’re a demon if you fail) but better with guilds IMO.

If you plan to PuGs there’s a few ‘pug friendly’ route guilds for each dungeon which I pretty much ran religiously.

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Get an addon method dungeon tools so you can plan routes for yourself and evaluate previous runs to make adjustments in the future.

Get Weakauras or some equivalent that you can use to track and emphasize the uptime of your mitigation, as paladin you will want indicators for being inside your consecration and the remaining duraion of shield of the righteous and the availability of free word of glory casts. The in game tools are not bad, but bigger indicators are helpful starting out so you can see how much damage pressure you are under with which defensives active.

Make it a habit to track your party members performance, any time you find someone exceptional, add them to btags. Networking is extremely strong as it alleviates the stress of working with total strangers.

Then, practice, practice, practice. Nothing will do more for your confidence than just attempting the content as often as possible. You will brick some keys, everyone does, but treat every loss as a learning opportunity and you will improve without a doubt.

The more complex things can wait until after the basics are mastered. If you already raid at a heroic level there’s nothing stopping you from diving into m+ and learning a new role. Good luck.

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My biggest tip is to tune the bulk of pugs out the best you can. In lower content and brackets PuGs have a very high tendency to behave poorly. When you get into 8+ for keys, or get into normal and above raids, you start running into o better and more calm PuG’s. Just keep going at the pace that makes you feel comfortable, and it might be advisable as t times to simply put your chat window away for a dungeon run if someone is mouthing off.

My second tip is to try and make bnet friends, as you do runs you’ll run into people that will want to play with you. In which you can add them to your bnet list and group up to reduce the amount of pugs your dealing with. There are also dedicated discord communities that are very helpful to newer players that hold raid and key events, although right now it’s a bit slow due to lack of interest in the season.

Finally, I would look for a guild when TWW starts, as right now is a really bad time for the game in terms of raid and M+ content. Given the season is all rehashed content, and so the bulk of everyone has gotten what they want out of the season, and are taking a break until August. With the latter being playing remix. So in essence I would just keep doing keys and so forth until TWW drops, and then find a guild to join when they become more active again.

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Just treat dps players like mogged npcs.

I mainly play heals and dps…but have a guardian druid and pally tank…i think mainly running as dps/heals to see routes, watching videos…etc and pull how you want to pull groups…i still get fidgety and havent really done any mythic + on my tanking toons though so pretty casual anyhow. If you can find a solid group to run with on a consistent basis that’ll also help.

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Don’t be stingy with your defensive cooldowns. Pull a couple packs and pop those defensives, get use out of them. These are not “oh crap” buttons that you use if something goes wrong, these are buttons that you use to pull big so nothing goes wrong.

The more you play with the dungeons and the class the more you’ll be able to gauge when to use and what to pull. This takes a little trial and error, so it will require dipping your toes into things.

If you raid heroic, you’ll have no problem with mythic dungeons. They’re really not that bad. Start off with m0s and do a few of those to get comfortable, then move on to m+ when you feel comfortable enough.

The most important tip I have is don’t sweat the wipes, don’t worry about the mistakes. People generally won’t have a problem with a couple wipes. Every once in a while you might get someone who alt+f4’s, but that’s okay. Just round up another group and go next. You’ll be okay despite the failure.

I started doing m+ this expac, and didn’t start tanking until S2. Now I pretty much always play a tank or a healer so I get fast groups. It’s really not so bad when you get used to it.

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Stop pugging. (Or at least do your learning runs with friends instead of pugs)


I’ve been tanking for years, and you’re already getting good advice from folks here, but I will add this:

Check out this discord/site. They’re great people and can provide you a comfortable learning environment without needing to join a specific guild

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Bro, wait. What are YOUR NPCs wearing over there in Voldun?

Sound advice, but on the other side, I find running PuGs gets you to adapt to a fluid chaotic situation. If things go south, it’s good practice to see if you can get things under control. In the end, you become a better tank.

I agree, but that’s for nil if they can’t get comfortable enough to walk in the instance.