Tips for tank Warrior for dead mines?

Opening in battle stance with charge, then dumping rage (or even not, if tactical mastery is talented) prior to swapping stances to def stance is a fine opener.

He did mention swapping back to Battle Stance, then Thunder Clap, and no mention of Def Stance, so I suppose I could have paid more attention.

Like I said above, I wouldn’t use TC for threat generation, but would for dmg mitigation, though that’s likely not a big issue at lower levels. After an initial charge, rage dump maybe with TC, or Demo Shout (or SS, if you have it) then swap to Def Stance, get and if AoE has already started, then CS isn’t bad or WW, if you have it yet), and start tab-sundering.

FWIW, this part actually helped a fair bit.

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And your tanking guide is on point. Just that guy I was initially responding to has no idea what he’s talking about.


Classic and Vanilla dps (mage/hunter/lock) group suggestions:

  1. First wait. No tank alive can out-dps you at first. I learned that back in Vanilla, forgot it in recent years, and re-learned it in Classic.

  2. Then, if the tank is fighting one mob, I aim for that mob with my single-target spells. Less likely to pull them. An untouched mob? If you hit it, you own it.

  3. How do I know which of the 3 to shoot at? I tab between them and shoot at the one who has lost 10%-15% of their health. If he hasn’t lost 10% then the tank does not have aggro yet.

  4. Often my first shot is NOT my most powerful shot. If I’m shooting a mob that has lost 40%, THEN I use my most powerful shots.

  5. I’m always watching the healer. Unless the tank is level 40 or this is retail, sooner or later 1 of the 3 mobs will run to the healer. Healing the tank puts aggro on the healer. That’s when I use my pet (if I have one) or my sheep (if I’m a mage) or just my strongest spells: get that mob off the healer, even if it kills me.

  6. If the healer is okay, my job is mowing down mobs. If the tank can’t keep all of them on the tank, it’s open hunting season on the others. All of my soloing tools, tricks and spells get used then. I’m soloing this mob (but others will come help me soon).

  7. Marking is great, if someone can handle it. Mark a dps target and a sheep/cc target. Don’t touch the 3d guy until the dps target is dead. The tank can usually hold 2 that way.

  8. If your group has lots of pets/cc, then the tank just needs to handle 1 mob and the pets/cc temporarily hold the 2 others. It’s amazing how fast they go down when 4 players are hitting the same target.

First off look up fury/prot. This is your best tank spec. For deadmines a 2 hander is fine. Charge in hit sweeping strikes, switch to beserker stance, use whirlwind. Tab sunder. You will be fine just DPS tanking.

Hes level freaking 20. Thats his best option

Lol my first tanking experience was at lvl 23 in bfd. I didn’t even have defensive stance yet because I was too retarded to complete the quest for it. I couldn’t hold aggro and my group just carried me while berating me for sucking. At the final boss the healer priest tanked by PW:Shielding and healing herself. I didn’t even have a 2H so I was essentially dpsing with a sword and board while not even holdng aggro lol. Was a fun group, at the end I asked if they wanted to run it again.


Keep healer alive.

Early levels are going to be a pain regardless. Personally I find Fury(with points up to TM) a better starting build then either deep Arms or Prot. Rage is going to be your biggest issue, this is why thunderclap isn’t the best idea, mainly due to the reduced rate dmg is taken meaning less rage. Also if you run with a priest, best to let them know NOT to shield you initially, as this causes rage issues and a spike in threat towards the priest(if done during pull).

Outside of that tanking is simply controlled chaos, tabbing sunder/revenge, hovering over taunt for when a caster/healer grabs threat, hoping DPS runs towards you not around like an idiot if they get aggro, and avoiding groups with dps warriors.

I did my first one at level 17. Think I did pretty well tanking lol.

My biggest tip I can give to you and it took me awhile to think about this. Don’t die.

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people are making this sound so complicated, when I did it on my warrior I just marked all the mobs, used a gun to pull, stayed in d stance, used my shouts, revenge, and sunder. The abilities literally say on them if they do bonus threat. Use the abilities that do bonus threat. Taunt any mobs that switch targets. Shield bash casters when they cast. Didn’t bother with heroic strike, hamstring, thunder clap, or rend. That’s it.

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Yea your def right. I was in defensive stance the whole time. Wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.