To be honest, I left classic before TBC trying to level my second 60 because I didn’t want to play Rogue in TBC, after struggling to find groups at 53, and not really able to solo stuff at this level i quit, I came back about 3 weeks ago missing TBC, and started leveling this Hunter and made it to 24 and there was little to nobody to party with, everyone just wants to boost for gold!
I ended up buying the Character boost to 70 and have gotten to 79 in the last 2 weeks.
The fact that there is a thread with lvling tips to make it less painful is a red flag,
can we please get joyous journeys back? but this time 300% to 70. or raf
I just got my last alt out of the vanilla zones. 1-58 is the toughest part of the journey for sure.
Always have rested. Cycle through your other alts or your main to ensure your alts always have rested when you play them. Questing 1-58 feel absolutely awful without rested.
Dont abandon green quests. This is a noob trap. They still give viable xp and you can usually complete them faster since you’ll likely truck through the green mobs. You might be able to complete twice as many green quests as you could yellow quests in the same time frame, and the xp is still good.
Avoid dungeons unless you have the quests. Yes, they’re fun and a nice break from questing… but usually you waste so much time forming a group, traveling to the dungeon, etc it will simply slow you down more than you realize. In that time period think how many quests you could have completed.
Save Felwood, Ungoro, Winterspring for as late as possible in the 50s. The 50-58 is the worst and its easy to find yourself starved for easy quests. If you save these for the late 50s you wont find yourself at 56 or 57 and tediously scavenging around various parts of Azeroth for medicore quests. This is the time when you need that juicy burst of experience the most! The 50s are HELL.
I honestly think Blizzvision should make Vanilla Classic free to play, then we would have more Vanilla players, and once they got involved and made friends they would probably subscribe to play TBC and Wrath.
Its a shame vanilla is a waste land, I literally seen nobody until I hit Hall Fire Penninsula and that was the second Expac!
I also think anyone leveling a first toon should get 300% XP per quest.
I am an altoholic. And since they allowed us to have more than 10 toons per realm, I am leveling 15 toons at the same time. Between Heirloom and rested xp, I am progressing decently.
I’d be more inclined to do them as Horde simply because you’re more likely to be close to one at your level. For instance, if you’re leveling in Tarren Mill and you get a group for SFK, it’s probably not going to kill your efficiency to do that. But it’s probably not worth it to travel all they way back to BFD.
Go solo Gnomregan, and once you get a couple more levels start doing SM Library. Hunter can basically solo the entirety of everything, and its a fun challenge to go for
Im opposite. I love the vanilla 1-58 leveling, it’s exciting to me to watch my character grow in power. But everything 60+ i dread until i reach max level.
1-58 is a boring chore because there’s no dungeon groups. RDF could have helped here, but Blizzard was more interested in selling boosts. If you don’t want to buy that, next best option is heirlooms.
Sadly, Bear (feral) doesnt really feel like that. Bear swipe does soooo little damage, and glyphed Maul only hits 2 targets. It takes me an eternity to kill a pack of 2-3 mobs as Bear, i wouldn’t and couldn’t even manage 10.
My strategy has been to stay in cat and single target mobs down, and use my procs or Nature’s Grasp to root adds when dealing with 2-3 targets.
Rotate rested xp
Loosely use an online leveling guide
Buy heirlooms, AH upgrades
Buy enchants and consumables
Use leveling guide for class and spec
Challenge your self with bigger pulls
Work on professions while leveling
I hate to sound like such a promotion, but I honestly just load up RestedXP, take an edible, and then go into a trance doing exactly what it tells me to do for as long as I can bear it.
Well for one to many alts isn’t exactly a good thing. I’d go play something else on and off and stick to a main or two. When you’re just needing a wow fix, level alts to pass a little time with limited exposure.
Or go full dungeon mode. As pally/hunter you can solo them with good speed, making your exp gain imcomparably good, and giving you tons of gold with low lvl cloth/enchanting mats.
Or find someone to 2man dungeons.
I leveled my 3rd pally with a friend on a healer, we 2manned dungeons all the way to 70, the only faster leveling can be doing the same with revenge warrior solo/2 man comp.
Oh and spec ret for leveling, no matter style of gameplay you want to have - seal of command beats everything whilst leveling, especially with the mana gain glyph for it.
This might sound cheesy, but try playing with game music and reading the quest text and take your time. Try to immerse yourself and find that feeling that first drew you in. Quest in zones you havent done or completed before. try an unconventional spec and playstyle. its about the journey, not the destination