Tips for dealing with Monk in 2s and 3s

So I’m really having a hard time getting past monk teams in 2s and 3s.

I try to howl the forms, and cc weapons of O

I try to kite a ton with portal, gate, soul shape

I have the aff pvp lego for slow.

Doesn’t seem to matter. Monk has answers for everything. Diffuse mage, karma, 100% uptime, tons of ways to interrupt me, so easy for him to get away when I’m trying to rapture and just spam vivfy.

Monk seems broken AF.

Any tips on how to exploit their mistakes or things to look out for?

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Monk is super squishy. That is their weakness


Sure doesn’t seem that way when they can rock difuse magic, karma, and easily escape to heal to full in a few vivs.

They have 100% uptime and stupid burst if you can’t get away. The monk does his dmg in 4-5 globals. Takes me, lock that many globals just to get dots out.

Kinda looking for better, more specific advice.

Wait to pile on the CC/kiting. Don’t get baited into CCing out the WW’s feint burst. Wait till you see/hear the tiger and the glowy balls. When you see those start blasting CC and kiting tools.

Despite what people say about WW, our burst is easily 2-3 globals before big damage starts coming out (3-4 if no Chi), so you have some time to see it coming. A lot of the time if WW tries to big burst me I counter big burst and count on him being too occupied on globals to pop meaningful enough defensives.

And despite what people say, Karma is paper. You can burst through it easily and if you have Netherward, I’m pretty sure you can reflect the DoT too. If the WW is Diffusing Magic with UA up, he’ll probably Karma before it because dispel protection for UA is bonkers. And that just leaves fort brew, which is a whole lot of disappointment.

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I’m going to give you the straight shot advice that probably sounds lazy, but it’s true.

If you’re playing as lock healer, you’re just going to have a hell of a time against WW. It’s not a matchup you should win, unless you vastly outplay them.

As you said, they’re always going to be on you, they are going to do more damage than you, and they have a mortal strike.

Monks are a hard counter to locks, it’s an uphill battle. Good timing of your magic reflect can negate karma, also you can burst through his karma can kill him fairly easily.

Monks key weakness is no ability to use under any cc and weak defensive cool downs except for magic diffuse which really is only OP against warlocks and shadow priest.

Corruption legendary makes me want to pull my hair out. Port, gate, and night fae blink. Z axis his pets if possible.

This is wrong. Diffuse is good against most classes in the game EXEPT affliction. Taking a 20k UA dispell to the face sucks.

You can even diffuse a monks touch of karma dot back onto him. I rarely ever talent out of diffuse.

I said it was OP against warlocks and shadow priest, I didn’t said it was useless against other classes. I use it against balance druids and mage teams as well.

Monks in general are pretty good at dealing with warlocks in arena, hard match up but it’s doable from what I’ve seen

Diffuse magic is pretty risky fight UA locks because we can slap ourselves if with it if UA is on us

For this though you’ll want assistance from your healer, this works better if you’re not running with a disc priest too.
When they try to burst get your healer to CC them, they’ll usually trinket because they want to go ham on you and if they do that feel free to throw down howl (try to cc during FoF too, they’ll have to interrupt it which will break the channel or they’ll just eat the CC and FoF will be on CD)

If you can get an instant CC like coil or howl when they are using tigers lust that will give you a bit more distance too

Try to find where their portal is as well and fight them in LoS of that as well so they can’t just port back to it and viv up to full hp

However a lot of it will come down to drawing out their trinket and how much CC your healer can put on them

At least this is what has worked vs me on my monk

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