Had to use groupfinder. Once a group was formed, it worked.
Bugged on Dawnbringer
Currently bugged on Perenolde. Looks like they still haven’t fixed it
Bugged since November 2020, they didn’t fix the problem that returns from time to time and Blizzard didn’t even answered this post. What kind of support is this for a monthly paid game ? At least a “We are working on it”.
The ONLY time you will get a blue post in this forum is if the QA department needs more information about the issue.
Bugged today on Deathwing as well
Still bugged - Emerald Dream (US). Happening currently with Ti’or.
Bugged on Hyjal, 4/21
Still bugged on Zul’jin as of 04,22,2021.
Bugged on Area-52 on 04/25/2021
Interesting they haven’t addressed this bug for the entire of the xpac. Bugged atm on Stormrage and evading all attacks.
How is this bug still a thing, almost 6 months later? It’s doing it on Area 52.
Also just happened here on Barthilas
Frostmourne, same thing.
Yup same on Elune today. Can not attack them, all they do is evade. Feels bad
This is STILL bugged as of today on Dalaran. Yikes.
Which is super helpful when you have the quest for Sabriel, as well as the WQ to kill two bosses.
Also bugged on dalaran
Ti´or bugged today 30/05/2021 in Azralon