I would gladly delete evokers for tinkers.
The amount of people that agree with this are far less than the actual Evoker population, that is already bigger than rogues and demon hunters lmao.
This doesn’t change anything. Was fixing your “hardcore people wanted nagas” nonsense.
I’m not complaining about the game by telling you that your terrible idea is a waste of resources.
And no, casuals don’t keep the game going. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Casuals play for a little bit then unsub to play other games. People who spend a ton of money to max out their characters are what keeps this game going.
Spoken like someone who never developed a game.
Oh what game have you developed?
So pick gnome with enginner profession? uh
Correction, augmentation and prevokers are more popular than rogues and DH, same specs a tinker can do.
This doesn’t change anything. Was fixing your “hardcore people wanted nagas” nonsense.
You’re the one making dumb statements like casuals wanted nagas which was never the case. That was hardcore players from the RTS
Like I’m going to half way dox my self to someone on a wow forum. Get real
I didn’t know you could maintain competitive dps as an engineer
Where the recipe that lets you summon a mech in combat
Lvl 10 alt.
So, you want a healer tinker? Lmao, this is starting to get funny. I though you was actually getting serious for a moment.
They are not deleting evoker.
You are saying this with base on nothing. You literally spitting words to defend casuals from giving the terrible naga idea. Didn’t saw a single “hardcore” asking for an allied race ever.
And how about the arakkoa nonsense too? Or the sethrak? Were this people from the RTS? The list goes on and on lmao.
Not going to argue against a monk of all things.
tinker, paladin calvary and shaman tank are a must
Who are you again?
Man, I remember shamans being off tanks in vanilla. Janky af but doable.
You! The player, will be the next class.
I really hope they provide Tinkers one day… I don’t particularly want to play the class but it seems others do. We need to move from “Tinkers need to be added” topics to “Tinkers suck or are overpowered topics”
This proves your arguments can’t go that far.
You will have to wait a good amount of years before you can have your tinker, friendo. Until that, take care.
We just need an actual tech based class with guns and bombs that isn’t consumables. A tank tree with a mech, a support tree with turrets and a DPS tree that goes full on Gatling gun and exploding bots
“I played since 2004”
“I had another account”
“I’ve developed games”
You’re a compulsive liar bro.