Been experiencing this problem as well and think I also encountered it at the start of the expansion when trying to specific que for dungeons I was locked out of completing for being “over” leveled during leveling.
Also had a similar experience many are reporting that their first que was short before it turned into an slew of 40+ minute ques with no pop and average wait normally under 10 minutes.
Experiencing the same issue. 30 minutes in queue while the average time is listed at 7 minutes. This sucks.
Same problem, Queued thrice with over 40 mins queue time. No luck
hunter, 4/5 on the quest, first 4 were 5~10 mins, last one just does not happen
currently 56 mins with an average 8 mins
The queue is just a priority list, and we are getting lowered priority, so we’re never picked by the algorithm
Still bugged. Is this going to be fixed before the event is over or are we just SOL for the 200 ilvl piece? Lol
Also having the same issue with the queue tonight on my realm, Area 52. First (3) dungeon queues went fast as I queued with a tank from my guild.
However, Upon trying to queue as DPS, The queues for me have been close to (2) hours before getting into a Timewalking. Yet - There is players that are DPS in my guild that are getting in instantly pretty much.
Really hoping for a fix as I don’t want to pay for a Tank or Heals in order to enter a Timewalking dungeon.
I am still having this issue tonight. Will Blizz do something for us to solve the missing gear? Or do we just get kicked from pugs for not having an easy ilvl 200 piece?
Yep mine is broke too, first 2 happened at the usual queue time then it just stopped working.
Same issue for my DPS. Been only able to get into 1 on time, the rest haven’t popped yet for me to enter. Over an hour
I am also stuck at 1/5 for A Frozen Path Through Time.
This software is getting ridiculous. Almost every time I find something to do, the game throws up an insipid road block by design or by error.
This one thing isn’t killing me, but it’s one more drop in a bucket that has grown to the dimensions of an Olympic-sized swimming pool.
Can I? NO! But what if I? NO! So if I? NO!
It’s getting extremely old.
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Same thing here, I waited an hour and a half to say F it. Really wondering why I picked this game up again, nothing but bugs!
I had reasonable queues as DPS (5-10 minutes) for a few runs. But the very last dungeon needed to complete “A Frozen Path Through Time” is taking a ridiculously long time. I’m still waiting after one hour in the queue.
Same issue here. Average wait time says 4-10 minutes, but I’m getting stuck in queue for well over an hour.
I finally got in after about an hour in queues.
I am so glad that the group absolutely rocked. We did three in a row.
4/5 Frozen Path Through Time.
Lessee how long this next queue takes… giving it some slack due to it being 11PM in my time zone.
I’d like to pitch in too. Friend and I BOTH sat in queue, separately, for over an hour and never got into the dungeon (said average wait time was 7 minutes…)
We were at 1/5 done as well, the first one took 30 minutes to get in (said average wait time was 5 minutes…)
This is ridiculous. Something has got to be wrong with this!
Addition: I keep getting in within 3-5 minutes on my Hunter, too. Which only adds to the confusion. Why my Hunter but not my main, my DK!?
Bumping. Same issue as most people here, can’t get normal queue times on my hunter since I dinged 60 (Clamidias - Illidan). On my DK I dont have any issues getting queues in normal times. (5 - 15 minutes)
I have been having these issues with TW so I did an experiment with a Necrotic Wake heroic que.
I got in the heroic que just fine at about the time the queue predicted. This issue seems to be with just TW dungeons.
Yeah yesterday I waited 40 min on the queue
Today I was able to get in in less then 10 minutes
Now on my 2nd queue of the day its bugged again. 25mins and counting
I just sat in queue for 50 minutes before it let my main, this DK, in. This is day 2 for me.
And I’ve seen people saying around places that “iT’s BeCaUsE yOu’Re DpS”
Oh yeah? I switched to my Paladin last night, 5 minutes boom I was in each and every time. So then I switched to my Hunter, 3 minutes boom I was in every time.
If it’s just because I’m DPS then why is it working just fine for my alts but not my main? Nothing is different! They’re all still DPS!
This has to be bugged, there is no way this is working as intended.