Timewalking loot being normal dungeon item level is horrible

They should drop 171s to actually be relevant to people getting an alt caught up through LFD. At 158 there’s zero reason to care about the dungeons themselves. Only the quest matters.

i can’t believe people are saying these cata tw are hard. basically do nothing follow no mechanics just press buttons get a 200 piece of loot they scaled them to super easy. yet you can spam keys and get nothing for so many more hrs put in. give me a break its a free piece of 200 loot for people who don’t actually enjoy doing the things to get 200 loot. you do know they want less loot dropping to help you gear right and the fact its a guaranteed piece of loot ain’t bad considering people clear a whole raid get nothing be happy for something guaranteed.

Porque no los dos ?

Heroic dungeons aren’t even relevant to getting an alt caught up though.

Epic BGs.

Many of the boss mechanics will kill you if you don’t move; even if some people do find them easy, they aren’t even close to how face roll the original Wrath Heroics were.

Do both? I imagine most people would. Doesn’t change the fact that the rate of return may be better via TW weekly.

I hear Pit of Souls is actually quite difficult

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If you play a spec that doesn’t have Vers as it’s worst or second worst stat.

Primary stat > Secondary stat.

ilvl > better itemized but lower ilvl gear.

Sim it, you’ll see. Best to wear that full 184+ Honor gear than 171 Heroic dungeon gear.

Vers isn’t even bad for people it’s the “second worst” or “worst” stat for. This isn’t patch 8.3 anymore where Secondaries are 5 times the weight of primaries. Primaries are 2+ times better than secondaries right now, point for point.

they are nerfed hard i let my my tank stand there yesterday in stonecore on that one boss no deaths like it used to be, and you do get 200 loot why shouldnt wipes happen anyway, no deaths on 2 toons yesterday besides when i pulled all the adds right before the that boss in stonecore just to see what would happen. only other one people die on is throne and not getting in the lil triangle on last boss.

I’ve tested it; as Fury a 171 Haste>Mastery piece performs better than a Haste>Vers piece. The overall balance also begins to break down at less than 20% Haste, so any loss to Haste is almost unconscionable unless the Vers values are huge, at least double what the unranked value is now.

171 vs 171 ? Of course, the Strength is literally the same amount piece to piece. As such, your secondary stat weights become more meaningful given the static nature of the Primary stat on both pieces.

184 vs 171 ? You’d be wrong.

This is false. If this would be the case, it would be represented in the weights. Haste’s weight would jump far higher than Vers at that point, and you could see and measure it with Sims.

Since this isn’t the case, this is simply something you made up in your head with no testing whatsoever.

Even 200 feels worse if the Haste is the lower value and isn’t much of an increase. I still keep the higher ilvl stuff for Torghast, but the Strength gains would have to be almost a raid tier apart for me to care enough to use normally.

I don’t really care what the sims say; I’ve been playing Fury since launch and I know what feels best at this point.

For sheer damage output and barring any interruptions it’s somewhat better, but as a whole and in the real game an ilvl upgrade isn’t always an upgrade.

“Feels” worse doesn’t mean it’s measured worse.

Objective data > feels.

Sorry you want to play this game where you “gear by ear”, but measurably, that’s sub-optimal.

Then you don’t understand stat weights.

Then no one should care what you say, because it’s completely wrong and misinformation.

Objective measurement > Your feelings.

Interruptions affect all your stats.

Hah I wonder if Ozruk/Asaad still one shots people. Don’t forget it’s heroic not normal mode. Those dungeons are pretty rough it was cata after all.

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By feel I don’t mean my personal feelings about it, I mean how the spec actually plays in a real situation. The fewer attacks a Fury gets out the worse they will perform generally.

Asaad actually seemed properly tuned somehow, haven’t gotten Stonecore yet though. :grimacing:

Sims show how much damage is theoretically possible. Most players will not be that close to their sims, and there is some wiggle room for personal playstyle preference.

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You’re scaled down to it. Doesn’t matter when it came out if you’re the same power level to is as we were back then. Go stand in Ozruk’s AoE and let me know how that works out for you.

They do much more than that. Simcraft has a lot of options.

If you can’t even play well, Haste loses the most weight fastest, this only further proves wrong the Warrior. Don’t defend misinformation.

You can adjust the sim based on skill level too, where it starts making mistakes.