Timewalk icc with frostmourne transmog?

Quit cutting context from what I say.

Its a crystal sword, you can spam that video all you want it doesnt change anything. It has crystal elements to it, Frostmourne doesnt get a better argument.


So you have a picture of a Blades of the Fallen Prince skin that has ice on it… a picture of Frostmourne which was used for a cinematic where it was stuck in ice… and a bee.

Like I said get a better argument. I dont even know what your point is with this post. It has absolutely nothing to do with what I quoted. Its just trolling… a picture of a bee? If that doesnt scream troll I dont know what does.

A picture of icy Frostmourne.

Frozen Throne.
You pretend to be intentionally obtuse because you prefer lying. Ice / ghostly spirits are a better answer than holy light crystals. Completely. BotFP proved that.
Turalyon’s sword: Not an artifact.
BotFP: Artifact.
Continue to lie. I will continue to reveal the truth to your lies: that you don’t know what you’re talking about and should never be listened to on or about the topic.

What am I lying about?

That render of Frostmourne had 0 ice on it. None what so ever or do you not have eyes?

What about Blades of the Fallen Prince? Are you trying to say they are held together by ice and spirits? Where the hell did you get that from?

You have no context to your posts, and you have consistently failed reveal anything but your own obsession and doing anything you can to get it. Put that obsession use in something more productive

That has 0 information in it that is worth 1/1000 of a penny. Its a bunch of words thrown on the page that say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Caual reminder that Keliste knows but is pretending to be intentionally obtuse about:
Necromantic ice survived orbital impact.

All that is true. I dont know what delusion you are living in, but you need help.

Frostmourne is over. It doesnt exist anymore, get over it.

Turalyons sword is part crystal.

And you presented a picture of Blades of the Fallen Prince that is a skin and not actually the original. You posted a picture of Frostmourne with a blue hue on the top trying to calling it ice when none is present, and you posted a picture of a bee.




So what am I lying about?

For the kids in the back:

Turalyon’s sword is an example of a broken sword that can be repaired.
Turalyon’s sword is also infinitely weaker than Frostmourne.

Care to make a coherent argument for once?

Playing at being intentionally obtuse doesn’t hide your lies for what they are, fyi.
You lied and said that I said Turalyon’s sword was like Frostmourne because of its crystal.
Turalyon’s sword is like Frostmourne because it was broken.


No, I literally didnt.

That flies in the face of your claims. So quit trying im lying when you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. You make the absolute worst arguments ever.

Another shattered sword that is still effective:

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