As a priest in Classic, my AoE dps isn’t very good so I would fight the single mob.
Happy Monday everyone!
I could be interested, if you’re still looking for people. It depends on what nights and times you end up going with. I will be leveling feral druid but will go full resto if needed at 60. Been playing since early 05 but havent really got into many of the xpacs.
BT: Mexymonkey#1236
Still seeking great people!
Sent you a btag invite Ryuenjin#1967
I plan to play horde on Mankrik. Tauren Hunter to be exact. Would love to have a guild to hang with from the get-go! I raided MC, BWL and ZG back in vanilla (I was a night elf rogue at the time). I started later than most, by the time I was going some people had their full T2 but it was still fun as hell. Schedule is not as open as it used to be (what with having become and adult and such) but would gladly attend and help the guild if I’m able to make the times. Having an active group of good people to do whatever with really would be an awesome change. I don’t currently play BFA and haven’t much since getting this one toon to 120, nor do any of my toons belong to any guilds as no one really cares who’s on or what anyone else is doing at any given time. #missthatclassicfeel Rias#1567
Sent invites to you both. I never got your request Ryu so I sent you one.
You could advertise in the Mankrik discord as well
Bump this joint!
Tuesday bump. Less than a week away!
Do we have a boomkin yet?
I don’t believe so.
Let me in!
Let’s keep the train moving!
Yeah let’s get it!
I’m thinking about changing over to Horde to join you guys!
bumpy bump.
4 days to go!
This sounds like it’ll be a good time!
I played the crap out of Vanilla and I’ve been basically playing ever since (just not as hardcore). I’m going to be rolling a priest Druid and warrior and I’m not sure what I’ll main yet but I have experience with every class.
In vanilla I had no life and I raided everything on a resto Druid and priest (all specs). Also got commander rank in PvP… yeah I was a dirty alliance I’ve learned though! Horde since bc and not looking back! Zev#11220