Time is Running Out To Get The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur!

What does that have to do with anything I just said?

Your insinuation with the studies concerning FOMO was that they were fake because they haven’t been effective, no?

The point is that if efficacy is what you’re looking at with studies, then your perspective is already skewed and inconsistent.

Quite frankly, until you publish your own study on the matter, you’re not really in any position to suggest it’s all fake. Enjoy your lonely echo chamber, dunce.


Of course we are.

As we have been since time immemorable. Ever since goods started being exchanged for valuables.

Still doesn’t change the fact that anyone who drops a rent or mortgage payment because they spent $90 on this mount are solely responsible for the fallout.

Not Blizzard, as the person I was replying to was insinuating.


Dornogal? More like Dinogal.

I never said they were fake. They’re just not effective because you can’t make everyone a victim, so the studies are inherently flawed in that they look for victims.

It’s kind of like when researchers from Australia surveyed a bunch of college grads and were shocked that the college grads felt like they were being manipulated by video game store marketplaces and that’s why they were struggling financially.

Or when researchers gave money to children and were shocked that they spent it on things they wanted, and thus, victims.

It’s never your fault, or your Maurdeth, who goes through her own inception arc when trying to buy from a vending machine, apparently.

Is there any plans in the future for more AH mounts and types?

Can we get a new “Now Available on the Shop: ___” topic in that exact format please

:star_struck: Saw it. Bought it.
Interested to get a sense of how many others have bought it.
Maybe <3 if you bought one?
Been playing this for decades on and off, so when I think of the time I’m wasting getting to mailboxes and AH’s on Alts over the years… totally worth it.



It does not in fact, scale to your highest level of riding. It only scales to the second level of riding.

You had a chance to do something in good faith to a player base that already gets mad at you for $25 mounts and you do this?

Anyone who actually buys this will justifiably laughed at.

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Blizz rolling in mount money while bug reports pile up. Though there’d be a limit to your shameless money grubbing. Thought wrong.

Happy 20th-Whale-aversary!!!



Please just move to a free to play model if this is going to be the tactics employed.

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My child loves Sushi from 7-11

I have failed as a parent.

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Maybe you should have included all of my post, it already addressed this.

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Remember when people wanted to pretend that Microsoft owning Blizzard instead of Activison would be a positive for removing these kinds of predatory things? This has got to be the dumbest sh!t this company has done in a while.

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They released RobotGnomes.

I think that was worse.

Nah predatory behaviors from companies like this is worse. There needs to be laws against this sort of thing.


Are our new Microsoft overlords somehow making Bobby look like a penny pincher?

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When this similar mount was available for 5m gold, it was about $800 in tokens at the time. However this time you need 1.6m in gold if you are using tokens. So its actually less gold to spend than the original.

But the FOMO on it going away in January.

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A lot of people cope with gold not being directly linked to real world money and this was a shock to the system

The people crying, aren’t trying.

Got gold capped 3 times last xpac from crafting alone, and didn’t get started until season 2. Already made 4 mill this xpac on farming 1 hour a day here and there. Haven’t even started on the crafting yet.

Gold is totally easy to make in this game, but you do have to invest some time into it. Take that gold, buy wow tokens off the auction house. Convert that to your Blizzard account balance, and bam, you’ve got this mount for free.

Congrats to all who were smart enough to stock up on tokens while they were available and are rockin’ out on their mounts today <3

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