Time is Running Out To Get The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur!

What do you mean whipped into a frenzy? Being honest on the advertisement is grounds to being justifiably angry?

You haven’t experienced trying to stop a crowd of idiots from stampeding someone, so yea, I don’t expect you to have a single clue on how stupid people can be.

What does this have to do with FOMO?

See, when people never actually experience things, they tend to not know anything and think their feelings count for something.

You really don’t want to jump into this conversation.
This dude is… something.

It’s just amazing at how soft-boiled all of you are.

Wonder what Totalbiscuit would say about this lol.

Definitely not lol

I just want to know what your description has to do with FOMO. That’s all I’m asking.

New low for this company. Man I miss the real Blizzard.

It is. But no one could afford it. Now if you have 90 smackers you can buy this one instead lol.

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Trust me, if the entire forums are against your line of thinking, it’s you.

These people agree on nothing. If they agree on you being wrong, it’s correct.


The tokens on AH are there because people buy them for actual money to trade for in-game gold. It’s a supply vs demand thing. Right now, people are spending their money on buying the mount, or buying tokens on AH to add to their Bliz balance to buy the mount, and so tokens are in short supply. Next, watch the price soar …

Did you and your management honestly believe that, somehow magically, only 200 people would show up for that? Really? Wow.

Let me stop you right there friend. You have no idea who I am or what I’ve experienced in my lifetime (59 years of it). I can assure you I’ve been through more trying times, trials, and tribulations than a rush at Gamestop from people trying to buy a gaming console. If that’s the sum of your harrowing life experiences, please come back in a few decades and we’ll compare notes.

Until then, you’ve just graduated to top tier forum troll for this thread and will no longer be taken serious.


jokes on them, i can’t afford this one either!
hahaha ha… wait…
:thinking: :hushed: :fearful:

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So, no then. I don’t need your flashbacks from 'Nam to understand you’ve experienced things. But you’ve never experienced a Holiday rush when people were crushing security gates to get inside, which was the whole point.

Oh no, a lot of know nothings disagree with me. #Shocked.

I guess I’m never getting that explanation. :man_shrugging:

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Wow token $20 x 25 at an average 200,000 gold is 5 million which is what the OG Bronto cost that means some spent up or around $500 for the OG. I’d be miffed also.

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120~ AUD…

The cost of 2 full “AAA” games.

The cost of 6 movies.

I can buy 2 decent pairs of shoes for that.

And you think it’s appropriate to charge that for a mount worth at most, 5 bucks?.

Are you guys OK?.

Financial hardships?.

You not long laid-off like 2.4k~ people and are struggling so much you have to gouge THIS hard?.

Or are you just flat out admitting you have no morals and ethics?.

All that work trying to save your reputation with Fruit bowls, yet you’ll do this in a game marketed at kids of 13 years old.

At this point I think you’ve just lost the plot.

You clearly have no sense of self awareness.


FOMO is a consumer-driven phenomena, where people who lack self-control impulse buy and blame it on the company selling the product using the mythical ‘mentally incapable victims’ out in the Aether somewhere, you know, that MASSIVE consumer pool.

How that relates to the Holiday Rush scenario is that, even despite having the advertisement, security, and preparedness for bad scenarios, stupid people did stupid things out of Fomo.

My point proven. A “holiday rush” is the pinnacle of your 'oh-so-stressful life". Grow up.

Now you’ve just graduated to blithering idiot.

< plonk >