Time is Running Out To Get The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur!

I appreciate this post.

Protip: Gas stations such as Circle K usually have a store brand version that is legit the same thing during the times the McRib is not offered.

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Blatant revenue raiser which is fine I would of been more Dissapointed if it was no dearer than the average AH mount price. 120$ where I live is a but much ut I will still purchase it since I got the means to do so . I just want this mount to stop showing up on the Shop once this Anniversary event ends and never comes back in any form nor any similar mount. People can farm this one out or afford it eventually so seeing all the Whingers crying about the price being too high which is what 90$ in US money and more ore or less in other regions wont be a super burden on most people.

To those who choose not too or are unable well thats unfortunate atleast you will be able to use other players in game.

This is incredibly dumb, as it completely ignores the concept of advertising.
You gem-less geode.


This is literally a made-up definition you just spit out to shift the goalposts LMAO


Ding ding 100 points for the Zandalari.

Exploitation of the vulnerable companies do it, politicians do it, cults do it, scam artists do it etcetera etcetera

But that’s NOT a mental illness. Its just people being irresponsible.

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more than an actual expansion, wtf blizzard. Im pretty sure it didnt take the entire wow dev team several years for this like an xpac so how are you justifying the cost?

“Gambling addiction is purely consumer-driven. Not a single company causes it.”

The logic on this guy lmao


Here’s a massive company describing the sellers pushing FOMO marketing tactics lol. It’s embarrassing to be this ignorant.


FOMO — fear of missing out — marketing plays on our human instincts to be a part of something and not miss out on opportunities. Keep reading to learn more about FOMO marketing and how you can use various tactics and strategies to make your audience take action.

FOMO marketing uses psychology to tap into consumers’ emotional responses and triggers, making them want to act quickly to avoid missing out on an opportunity. FOMO marketing capitalizes on this powerful emotion, encouraging engagement, conversions, and sales by creating a sense of urgency, scarcity and exclusivity.

The essence of FOMO marketing is to make your target audience want to take action immediately. A few of the best FOMO marketing examples include:

  • Flash sales on social media: Posting an attractive deal on social media with captions that state how long the sale will last encourages immediate action while incentivizing followers to regularly check their social media pages.
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No, because you would be arguing that the very essence of advertising and sales is itself FOMO, which is not the case.

Again, it’s the people who induce FOMO. Look at ANY Black Friday Sale post 1990’s to 2000’s.

I remember several years ago Blizzard said they are having to be VERY VERY careful about Player Housing cause it could destroy the community as you would have little reason to go to any of the capital cities.

With this addition of this mount, the bear mount and the Traveling mount there it VERY VERY VERY little reason to go to the capital cities now.

So about Player Housing since you just violated your last excuse for taking to long.


I think you are the densest poster I’ve seen all day, and that says a lot.


I have a toon parked by the AH and between the mailbox and warbank, have never had a need for the brutosaur mount. If people want to shell out 90.00 for pixels, though, if that makes them happy, no harm. Let everyone play the game the way they want.

I’m sorry your feelings don’t measure up to how things actually work. You may be driven to buy things on sale because you lack self-control, but it’s not because of the evil marketing.

Just more proof they don’t care about the game or us players…all they care enough about is money. They drop the ball with the anniversary event which was supposed to be about the game and the players…to throw a expensive store mount at us. Is it even worth it to play this game run by such greed focused people at this point?

so very good thank you i bought 1 for me and 4 more for my party

It’s because advertising is there to spread information about products and services to people, and in the case of limited runs impress upon them the urgency of partaking thereof.
You core-less apple.

EGADS MAN! That’s the pork equivalent to “gas station SUSHI!” /snicker

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i think this is a brand new thing, and not good for the game. I don’t recall a scenario like this, but I can see it turning into the next TCG thing later on.

this mount is supposedly being removed after a certain time - they don’t even add mounts that special INTO the game anymore because people were crying about FOMO. So they re-color an unobtainable mount and throw it on the AH before fixing their broken patch?

Sorry, but this is one of the worst iterations of Blizzard i’ve seen, and I don’t think this is the same as a traditional “buy our 12 month sub and get these sparkly pixels!”

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But that’s not manipulation. It’s a sale, you windowpane.