Time for the horde to turn wm off?

So with the free heroic raid gear for the 25 kill weekly, the 30% wm bonus, and the masses of alliance camping horde flight paths. Is it time for the horde to turn wm off since fighting back only servers to make the alliance stronger and ensure that they have that sweet bonus next week as well?

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wrong thread somehow or post got removed or some crap.

Well normally I would not post stuff like this but I am seeing stuff like this:

I think it may have gone too far.

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I don’t think you can easily compare high end guilds to the average player. Limit is a guild that strives for World First kills, and has been in the top tier of guilds for a while.

If they smell an advantage, it doesn’t matter if it’s just a 0.4% increase, if it’s static or a jumping point, they’ll take it immediately. That’s not how most players act, that’s how people who are trying to beat everyone else act.

Besides that, you might find it interesting to note that they paid for it pretty much entirely in gold, not actual money. I doubt they’d have done it if they had to spend actual cash, but I can’t be certain. World-firsters are always a strange bunch.

Far as I know, they haven’t. People saw a screenshot on the Limit Twitter of some Alliance dudes standing in Dazar (not even wearing Limit guild tags) and assumed they must be transfers looking for a weekly loot box instead of alts screwing around.

If they come out and say they did and that the reason really was a single weekly random piece of Legionnaire trash that’ll generally be inferior to what they can farm in Heroic Dazar, then okay. But so far they haven’t.

It’s a much worse problem for the average casual player. One side having access to I’ll 400 gear with no time or skill gate in front of it while the other has nothing of the sort will produce a huge disparity in ilvl between the factions. Alliance will continue to 40v1 though.


once you get capped on conquest points the measly bonus you get doing quests including invasions isn’t worth it in warmode so might as well cap early in the week then turn WM off if you’re Horde since allies are running in raid group sizes at every invasion.

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I don’t really mean to rehash the argument about Horde getting access to Warfronts and world bosses first and the crapshow that ensued, but:

This is only going to be a problem for a short while. The average casual player will be ahead for a little while, but come a month or two the 400 gear will be a drop in the bucket. I guarantee that more catchups will come.

I certainly don’t agree with their choice, but I recognize it’s not the end of the world. I certainly recognize that in short order it won’t matter anyway. I’m not saying it feels good, just that it won’t matter in the long run.

Just like how it wasn’t really ideal for Horde to get a gearing advantage for a short while, but it became irrelevant quickly enough.

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That is a good point.
I do see this calming down once flying is added.

So we should just deal with 6 months of bad policy because eventually it will be irrelevant?

This is heroic raid level gear. For most players, that’s the highest item level gear obtainable for them, and the alliance get a guaranteed piece every week while the horde get nothing. That’s the problem.