Tiktok integration for wow


Heck no please don’t and people should get rid
of that app all together. Unless you want all of your
personal data going to China stop using it.

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me watching this video:


Tik tok has ruined so many otherwise good songs

As a 16 year old that (unfortunately) has extensive knowledge on the app through years of extensive research I certify myself as an expert on this topic. :man_student: :man_student:

But since the whole China spying on us thing is a thing in the first place I say burn the app, and all the “influencers” with it. The safety of the USA is more important than Addison Rae or Charli’s follower count.

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :man_farmer: :man_farmer: :man_farmer:

When I’m bored I like to watch sports compilations and trick shots and stuff on it, just not the underaged girls who are sexualized and cringe girls dancing and lip syncing

I like the stair tiktok. That’s as far as I got. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: If it’s just short dancing vids like that, then I don’t see the problem. Not my cup of tea, but whatever. :crazy_face:

EDIT2: Do I want it integrated into WoW. No. :stuck_out_tongue: Go to youtube.

EDIT3: It might be fun watching a panda do a stair tiktok up the mop steps. \o/

EDIT4: Okay maybe not. :stuck_out_tongue: Unless it’s Ralph of course. :joy:

You’re the only other teenager on these forums that I’ve ever seen :joy: there should be like a poll because sometimes it feels like everyone here is much older

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Yea I agree I always feel that people are much older than me. But at the same time I don’t see a lot of people giving out their age, and I don’t do it often either, just if I need to prove a point or for some other reason feel like it’s necessary to say my age, in this instance I did since tik tok is mainly targeted for kids around my age. I’ve done it a couple times before. I’ve also said shadowlands should be released on November 4th since that’s my birthday, :sunglasses: although I know that’s not happening

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Whether they release it that date or not, happy early bday :partying_face: :purple_heart: Hopefully SL doesn’t suck!

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Thanks! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :fire: :skateboard:

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You are an unstoppable bad idea machine!

Given that it’s been established that Tiktok is serving as spyware for China, it’s not cancel culture.

It’s being smart.

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I know this is a troll, but considering it seems like more and more countries are banning it, probably not.

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You like pain, don’t you?

Teens mostly. It seems like an even more annoying version of vine, if such a thing is even possible.

Fab idear dahling

no zoomer no you can not

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Its more secure than zoom. Because china wants to make sure their data feeds are more secure and cleaner. Can’t be having zoom streams getting broken into to clutter up the data lol. Now its work to clean that crap out of the feed.

What I want is for them to do what Everquest 2 did back in the day.

When you typed /pizza, it instantly opened a browser to order pizza from Pizza Hut.

Now THAT is marketing

tik tok is soon to be banned in the united states.

also for americans its soon to be illegal doing any buisness with china or any company owned by them and any company here who does will have their assets taken. tictok included