Tier Sets!

druid one is meh
no likey

as a spriest main i personally love the look of the priest tier. the set bonus is basic af but functional ig

All the druid one’s seem like flat stat increases. I’m fine with not needing to change gameplay, but I know a lot of people will call it boring.

The purple is mythic though. Going to be difficult to get in a timely manner.

4p MW bonus seems neat, using vivify to extend Renewing and Enveloping.

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yo wtf does the druid tier look like it should be for hunter lol

Shaman set looks like basic version of resto artifact. Lame.

Priest set looks great, again.

All those Pally tears got them the wal-mart generic brand mog of the 10.1 priest set.

Well done Blizz.

All i see is.

Crit chance is increased on some abilities.

Crit chance increases your damage by 5 percent

Wow, revolutionary (sarcasm)

Guessing that all of these are being kept pretty “bland” in order to not force you to go a certain Hero option maybe?

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I am actually kind of hoping sets are more boring from now on. When they make a good set sure those are fun but being stuck with a bad set that forces unfun talent choices for 4+ months is never made up for the sometimes super fun sets.

Also these bland bonuses are easy to balance and while they are bland “this ability you always hit anyways now hits super hard” can actually fun
 if nothing else its a heck of a lot more fun then being stuck with with Windwalkers set for all of Season 3.

Ngl I’m most pumped about the plate Outdoor Arathor Armor for my paladin. I will forever transmog that sexy set.

Some of the guardian tier is arcane dps increase which I would think would make you need to take chosen of elune. But perhaps I’m misreading and it will be just as good for druid of the claw.

I believe they’re the best. :robot::+1:

So it benefits both. Both DotC and EC use Thrash and Moonfire (and Lunar Beam), so its beneficial regardless of which way you go

Wow. Mine is ugly. I won’t have to worry about getting it all then.

Boy howdy is that some atrocious paladin tier.

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What’s wrong with it. It makes you take wake of ashes, but I think the hero talents already did that.

The bonus is alright, I am a returning to mainline WoW once TWW starts to I’m a bit rusty on abilities, it’s mainly the giant and ostentatious wings on the shoulders that makes me go ick.

I really like the tmog, the helm looks great. I never wear shoulders though so, I kinda always look past them.

Perhaps another set of shoulders could look good?

The rest of it is neat for sure. Im a large fan of how WoW does big shoulders more often than not but this ones a miss for me.

Possibly others could work. If I end up with the appearance I can play with it but I am not super into the chunky look of the wings.

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