Tier Sets (bro I don't care about your stupid character limit f u)

What’s up with this notion that sin rogue doesn’t deserve to do aoe? It already has to spend so much time spreading dots and has some of the lowest aoe burst in the game, yet everytime they add something to the spec its just doubling down on the ST.

Outlaw got an ST buff which it lacked.
Sub got a cleave buff which it sorely lacked (honestly 3-5 target is when sub feels at its worst).

Sin just gets bleed crits (not even haste… which would do the same job while returning energy) and exsanguinate attached to vendetta. It already had some of the best ST. Even in raids bosses are rarely just ST.

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OL st buff is far worse than Assa.

Assa is superior to OL in ST.
Sub is superior to OL in ST.
Sub is superior to OL in AoE.
OL is only superior to Assa in AOE

… did you just misread what I’d said? Outlaw was missing st so the st buff is ok

Drop sass for sub and gg

Sure, OL got 0.5% single target buff.
That’s it.

OL got 1-2 free BTE per minute. Maybe 3. BTE already has nearly 100% uptime. BUT. With the proc of BTE, that the debuff is already on target, I have to waste an entire GCD on BTE instead of DIspatch. Wasted energy, wasted gcd

Go be stupid somewhere else pls

Prove me wrong lmao

But here, I will go an extra mile just for you.

  1. Pistol Shot loads a bullet at 50% rate. So, 12 pistol shots = 1 free BTE (on avg. Could be 6. Or could be 26).
  2. You get pistol shot proc every one or so (~1.5 on avg i’d say) combo spender.
  3. Overall, you will get about 1-2 free BTES per minute.
  4. Free BTE is nice, but still GCD. Less damage than dispatch, and not that much higher than Sinister.
    Using BTE instead of Dispatch is a dps loss.
    Using BTE instead of Sinister is a minor increase, but also loss of GCD to get combo points. And also likely to waste energy.

But hey, your inability to understand the bonuses makes me stupid.

Go look at the synopsis made by people who actually study this stuff. It’s all napkin math but yours sure as hell isn’t accurate. It’s posted on wowhead. The 2 set alone is a massive increase.

If the 4 set has to be better they could just make the BtE proc aoe. Like a shotgun. That’d be cool actually.