Ya know, this makes me super glad that I didnt play before Transmog was a thing.
It was a dark time for Hunters.
I just want my Wrath prelaunch sets back. I earned all four, but deleted them (except the cloth), because I ran out of bank space— before they announced transmog.
I like they are considering bringing back the Argent Crusader one for Paladin. Really like that one.
i had to look up the difference between the recolor and the original lol
most of them are a pass for me but i really like the paladin (not the mountain dew one, the other one) and rogue recolors
edit - i think if they had made the skeleton detailing on the set gray/silver instead of the same color as the og it would be more distinct and look nicer overall. i dont hate the actual mesh of the set, just the colors never appealed to me
For some reason this paladin recolor is starting to grow on me. And make me thirsty. Anyways, I think I like it more than the Wrath version.
Now you’re just being contrary.
I like the mage and warrior colors. The paladin one makes me actively want to dodge whatever content drops these lol.
I had it, but sold it before the appearance of transmog. Now it’s gone forever.
I wouldn’t mind another way to get it back.
am i the only one who likes the hunter set?
I like it too.
Sounds like people are just overreacting.
No. Akston likes it too but clearly he has the first symptoms of COVID.
Yes, I agree people that can’t take a joke are overracting.
I think a remodeling and retexturing of the sets would have had a better reception.
(Unpopular opinion, I actually kind of like the hunter set. But if you gave me a picture if each T2 set and told me to guess which sets goes with which class, the only chance I would have at guessing hunter correctly is the process of elimination. It doesn’t even read as a mail armor set to me let alone a hunter set.)
I don’t see why T2 recolors were needed, I mean the red and blue Druid ones make me think PvP reward and yeah no thanks, then there’s yet another recolor of hunter T2 and…idk about red and purple honestly, Lemon pepper pally is just…why, I can’t take the shaman ones seriously on a human, and oh…great more colors of the Warrior T2…like we didn’t already have a couple as is. Not sure why the rogue one needed to be purple also… I mean of all the colors why purple exactly?
Not a fan of ANY of these…
Paladin recolour T2 sets? Yeah please. I am using the one from BC dungeons. I should farm the others but I have no idea where they are, or what they are called.
That tier doesn’t need recolours. It needs full, modern remakes. Like tier 6 got in Tomb of Sargeras.
That warlock recolor is beautiful.
These are from BC, they largely already existed within the game. I don’t think there’s an NPC for all of these sets, but there definitely are for quite a few of them.
I would love both the recolors and an update to the t2 sets.