
You seem pretty mad, so I’m gonna say yes I ganked you lol

how do i seem mad???

Maybe the fact that you are crying about how everyone in my server is toxic, and calling me a troll, and commenting on my gear even though we have almost the same ilvl

it’s not crying if it’s fact XD and you are in world pvp gear XD go join your raid and feel big killing solo players haha

Yes, I use wpvp gear to wpvp, like when I ganked you. And I don’t need a raid to do it either

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See the first post on who started crying first tho


lol you didn’t gank me XD

All you have to do is turn off WM…

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Aredea apparently is immune to irony.


Plot twist. OP is the real baby that needs a binky. Irony…

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Sounds fun! Where do I sign up.