Good morning gamers we still are recruiting for season 2, looking for a Evoker and a few more dps to round out the roster!!!
LF season 2 raiders :)
Good Morning gamers, looking for more for season 2
Good afternoon gamers, still looking for some recruits for season 2
Hey Hey gamers, we still are looking for some more players too round out the roster for season 2
Good evening gamers, still looking for some more gamers for season 2
Looking for some players for season 2 !!!
good evening gamers!!! looking for some gamers for season 2
Good Morning gamers, still looking for some DPS and a Flex healer to fill out our roster for season 2!!!
Good afternoon gamers!!! still looking to recruit for season 2 !!!
Good morning/afternoon gamers!!!, we still are looking for some more players for season 2!!! looking for a lock!!!
good afternoon, evening gamers!!! we are still recruiting for season 2
Preseason begins!!! still looking for a few players to round out the roster!!!
Hey loooking for some more players for season 2
Hey Hey season 2 is starting soon, just looking for a few slots to build our roster!!!
Good Morning we still are looking for a few people to round out the roster for season 2
Looking for some more DPS to round out our roster for season 2!!!
Hey Hey Goblin time!!
Hello looking for some more gamers
Hello We looking for some new players